>Tell 'em you've decided to home school then and will let the School Board know to reduce funding accordingly
Homeschooling is not so bad
Actually easy
Totally pissed off my sons district when I did so tho
The charged me with truancy of my son.
Courtroom was packed the day of the hearing
Spoiler: I won
Issaquah School Dist atty literaly said" You honor, we realize it is _ constitutional right to homeschool, we are asking you to deny that right
School counselor was so pissed off before the heraing she spit on me out side the court room
Yep, yep, she did
Bitch should have been arrested
When the judge issed her ruling, I just looked at her and mouthed 'fuck you'
Anyway, 10 grand latter, I home schooled my son, he went onto college got a couple degrees and is a FF and electrician
Seriously tho, homeschooling is pretty easy, if one has the patience
And can fight a school district