He Is One of us for sure I looked at all of them half are a Joke Culp is satanic, The only one that lined up and openly supports Potus even ran as a Trump Republican all the resy Mhu Fake gay crazy libtarted I am glad he is running
I was thinking They Knew Inslee was Toast, Thats why he ran for Potus he was ousted by CHYNA Culp was there guy but he will get nailed for the book deal and lawsuit for his fake sancuary city, Then they can drop out or whatever the guy they want in is Denny Heck but they know he wont be elected, Lawson is the only one I could find that Really Knows plus he is winning it looks like
HI Fren Shit did they get me again >implying a bunch of Anons aren't already brainwashed glowfags without even knowing it Is that what the Good Frys are all about? I see we made our way back together how long will they allow this? did they just give it back?
The Hive mind has been so strong we have not needed the board I guess we all get shaky faith OR its time to let them in on it? It was nice of them to start class 3 years early