Can't send kids to school, can't keep them home, can't work with split school attendance b/c they don't have a qualified caretaker to homeschool, so I have to stay home. What company will hire 2 days on 3 days off maybe maybe not. Who's gonna watch the kids if I have to work full time to feed us? Fuck the masks….I cant afford rent,if I don't work. Where can we live? how am I gonna pay a fucking fine if I can't or the kids can't wear one all damn day long? I'm gonna lose my job, (ironic Headstart preschool teacher) my kids are going to suffer over this… and now they want to force them to wear a g-damned mask? Despair is just a few days away. Not eligible for unemployment ,can't pay a caretaker /elearning sitter, can't send kids to school full time, can't go to work b/c school not full open, and in December, they may change it all again. And now, we all have to wear masks. The cherry on top of rhe shit sundae.
Not enough time to make arrangements , or find out of there's any interest in forming a group. Who's available to teach elearning. They waited until the last minute to announce this clusterf**k plan to half-open the schools.