Synthwave Namefag ID: 0b708b July 23, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.10054692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4760 >>4953

POTUS, I know this topic is one we'd all prefer not to have happened, but I wanted to say you truly are a stable genius for juxtaposing these two retweets right next to each other.


The message is so powerful that I believe these two tweets alone can shift elections.


It is so powerful because it shows who the D Party wants to protect and defend, and who they want to prosecute and attack.


Violent rioters (who more and more people now know is nothing but a PARAMILITARY WING OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY) are permitted by Democrat mayors and Democrat governors to commit violence and destruction, and they're called 'mostly peaceful protesters', and yet, at the very same time, ACTUALLY PEACEFUL people, like the St. Louis homeowner McCloskeys, WHO DID NOT USE THEIR WEAPONS THEY ONLY DISPLAYED THEM TO THE RIOTERS TO SIGNAL THEIR OWN PROTECTION, yes, we all saw the DESTROYED GATE where rioters threatened to break in so it wasn't unsolicited, they are prosecuted by Democrats.


This is the most powerful message anyone needs to know about THE THREAT the Democrat Party poses to the LIVES, the SAFETY, of law abiding peaceful citizens who refuse to bend a knee to George Soros' paramilitary wing of CRIMINAL rioters, killers, and looters.


No, it is NOT a crime to HOLD a gun on one's own property and signal to A GROUP ENGAGING IN VIOLENT CRIMINAL ACTIVITY to STAND DOWN AND MOVE ALONG.


The Democrat prosecuting this couple is acting as if the rioters had a right to harass and threaten and bash in the gate (destruction of property not owned by the rioters), that the couple were 'supposed' to have BENDED THEIR KNEES and RISK having their home destroyed and possibly their lives.


These two tweets was ALL my entire family needed to become red pilled.


The Democrat Party ITSELF is a clear and present danger to the safety and security of American citizens.


The Democrat Party is revealing ITSELF to be a criminal syndicate that infiltrated positions of law enforcement, to defend criminals and attack law abiding citizens.


They are sick! This is NOT normal healthy psychology!


Thank you Q and POTUS for SHOWING the world the TRUTH about an evil that surrounds us. That alone is doing God's work.


God bless you and God bless America.