Anonymous ID: dad65f July 23, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.10055723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5816 >>5865 >>5882 >>5895 >>6064 >>6104

Q tried to tell you Mueller wasn't DS. You didn't listen.


It has already happened over a year ago. This place got overtaken by facebook normies who have no real functional difference from the liberals they claim to hate so much. They came here, not knowing how to think for themselves, and took information that the researchers were gathering. The problem is, these people committed mental plagiarism; they believe that simply by knowing this information that they are "intelligent free thinkers". The sad fact is that these people simply believe whatever they want to. They can't actually back up any of their claims with evidence because they have never seen any, they just believe whatever people say that they happen to like.


Mueller never could have been Deep State. The possibility was exactly 0 given what he found. How is it possible that a member of the DS would say that there was no evidence that Trump colluded with Russia? So you believe that the same group of people who paid for foreign disinformation, lied under penalty of perjury that it was verified multiple times, changed communications from the IC, and submitted all of this to the court multiple times isn't going to lie once more and say that Trump was guilty? Are you serious?


As if this extraordinarily simple logic wasn't enough, Q flat out tells you the truth in posts 3 and 18. He starts post 3 with OPEN YOUR EYES, he's trying to tell you that the right wing MSM is still, in fact, the MSM. "It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal. Don't you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict." POTUS didn't tweet about the removal because there was no conflict because this literally never happened. The right wing MSM gave you a piece of truth, that Mueller took 2 grams of Uranium to Russia. What they didn't tell you is that those 2 grams were confiscated from terrorists and he was going to the manufacturing plant in order for both the US and Russian government to verify that this operation's supply chain was compromised by terrorists. "Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think)."


Post 18: "Why did Mueller meet POTUS 1-day prior to FBI announcement if Mueller COULD NOT be offered director due to prev term limits rule? Why is Pelosi begging for a new special counsel?" WHY IS PELOSI BEGGING FOR A NEW SPECIAL COUNSEL? The memory hole is deep. It's because Mueller isn't (((their guy))).


Mueller even basically straight up tells everyone that POTUS was the one who wanted him as the special counsel in this section of a hearing: Executive privilege means that anything you discuss with POTUS cannot be discussed elsewhere unless specifically authorized. Notice Mueller definitively answers every question about the meeting with POTUS except for "did you discuss any time in that meeting the appointment of a special counsel" Mueller says "I can't get into that". The reason he answered every question except for this one is because POTUS authorized him to talk about anything they discussed EXCEPT the appointment of the special counsel.


The vast majority of you are pretenders. You don't research, you are parasites who have driven many of the actual researchers away with your ignorance, stupidity, and hubris. You don't read documents, you obviously haven't read any IG reports (because if you had you'd also know it was McCabe who was running everything you think Comey was and it's literally in black and white), you haven't even taken the time to go back and re-read Q's posts, or you simply don't have the capacity to understand them.


I personally can't wait for the ad hominem and complete lack of counter argument using documents or any semblance of logic because, as I said before, there is no real functional difference between these people and liberals. They just happen to be on the "right side" due to nothing more than a coin flip and until they realize this, they will never be able to change.

Anonymous ID: dad65f July 23, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.10055947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6049


Give yourself some credit. You have the gift of sight, don't take it for granted. The most ironic thing about it is that the only reason I understand the way they think and react so well is because I used to be one of them. The difference is that the people like us, we embrace being wrong and failing because we understand that you can only LEARN things that you don't already know. You don't have to be a super autist. I didn't personally find all of the info in my post, I fell for the uranium 1 thing until I saw another anon call it out and that was the biggest key to my realization that Mueller wasn't DS. Everything else was easy to find with the different perspective.

Anonymous ID: dad65f July 23, 2020, 10:39 a.m. No.10056022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6077 >>6096




The devil is in the details. There's a difference between determining if a sample is HEU and determining where it came from by analyzing the abundance of trace elements in the HEU which would require multiple different samples to verify 100%. The only thing delivered by Mueller were samples. Why would Russia need samples of Uranium from America if the Russians were the ones who were going to be selling their Uranium to America (purpose of Uranium 1)? Shouldn't it have been the other way around?

Anonymous ID: dad65f July 23, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.10056097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fox news is still the MSM. They mislead people all the time by giving only part of the truth and spinning it to their narrative. My hunch is that they are trying to keep the RNC's involvement in funding the dossier from coming out. There is only a little amount of information suggesting this, not enough to say for certain, but I feel like once the trials start, people are going to realize that American politics is nothing more than a hallucination and that the D's and R's are really just one entity working together to slowly destroy the country without anyone noticing. Have the Republicans really been spineless for decades or do they want the D's agenda as well?

Anonymous ID: dad65f July 23, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.10056142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


His performance was probably an act, there are small parts of his testimony where you can see he is really sharp for example in the video where Biggs gave him a look and Mueller asked if he was questioning what he said. Also, remember that Mueller inherited the Crossfire Hurricane attorneys, he didn't select them. It's standard procedure that you would want the people that were on the original investigation if it turns into a big one because they have already been working on it. Mueller didn't conduct the investigation, he was basically overseeing it as an administrator and signing paperwork for warrants, interviews etc. The DOJ can't investigate their boss (POTUS) because it's a conflict of interest. Mueller was not an employee of the DOJ at the time of his appointment, he was contracted to investigate a tech firm that had like 4 or 6 TB of classified data stolen. If you watch the first part of that video, those are the calls he originally had with Rosenstein. He said he couldn't get into indictments because they were discussing the case Mueller was contracted to investigate, not the special counsel.


Take care.