ok, repost because looks like many anons haven't realised who's with us…
of course Q knows.
>We have it all.
but he can't be the one posting the clincher, that wouldn't be legal:
>Discoveries must be ORIG organically.
Enter our mysterious wildcard @Snowden...
That wasn't the only drop.
pay attention
Could be just the beginning of a WAVE..
in late last bread, replying to Q:
>>1005458 rt >>1004087 <Q
what did he do? all i ever saw him do was say hello or goodbye, signing on/off
weren't you around for the RChandler drop?
Apr 7 2018 02:17:48 (EST) Q ! ID: 8153b1 932846
Connection made.
RC end.
We have grounds.
Thank you.
It has to come from here. No one can prove it's really Snowden, but we know. The point is that it comes from a public site. Grounds.
what if it's a countdown to the last drops?
he's giving us the best ammo against the beast, fuel for the flood, the TIDAL WAVE OF OUTRAGE that we're to help unleash upon the world…
feeling same, can't find words.
thanks. all these months of work and doubt… it's such a relief to be able to release and believe fully, and just bask in the growing momentum… it's an amazing feeling to be plugged into all of you anons… Godspeed