Synthwave Namefag ID: 248fe8 July 23, 2020, 12:51 p.m. No.10057152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7160 >>7184 >>7185 >>7244 >>7368 >>7412 >>7432 >>7544 >>7616 >>7623

Judge Orders Release of Epstein Flight Logs in Ghislaine Maxwell Lawsuit


A federal judge in Manhattan on Thursday approved the unsealing of documents from a civil lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell — the alleged madam of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein — as the British socialite faces charges for enticing minors to engage in illegal sexual activities.

Synthwave Namefag ID: 248fe8 July 23, 2020, 1:35 p.m. No.10057483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7707


Your attempts have FAILED.

I know what you're trying to do.

You morons are trying to trick everyone into believing the most important thing is anything other than awakening a public put to sleep.

You say 'no prosecutions' having no sense of self-awareness to notice that you're saying this ABOUT A CASE BEING PROSECUTED.




You do realize there has always been MORE flight logs NOT YET PUBLIC right?


Evidence of crimes is not 'meaningless' REGARDLESS OF THE TIMING of prosecutions, because they are VERY VERY VERY meaningful for the operation to WAKE PEOPLE UP.


Am I beginning to understand? I have ALREADY acquired an understanding of why you dumb fuck degenerates are posting what you post, I have already acquired an understanding of why you are trying to TRICK people here back to sleep.

The world awakening IS ITSELF the number one goal. THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE PRIMARY GOAL FOE THE LAST 3 YEARS.

You stupid 'muh arrest' shills are saying 'muh arrests' arms so fucking stupid tyat you can't even see how stupid you look saying what you're saying WHILE THE CRIMINALS ARE FINALLY ENTERING THE COURT SYSTEM, but also importantly, the TIMING of prosecutions IS NOT UP TO YOU.


Go back to suck nazi Soros dick for shekels.


Are YOU beginning to understand anons everywhere CAN SEE YOU?

Synthwave Namefag ID: 248fe8 July 23, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.10057514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7544 >>7707


>"we are getting UPDATED flight logs that aren't currently available to public"





Hey you stupid moron, read what the other anon posted and educate your pathetic ass.

Then go fuck yourself.

Then continue to know WE ARE ALL LAUGHING AT YOU.

Anonymous ID: 248fe8 July 23, 2020, 1:56 p.m. No.10057707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7730






Imagine the impact of delaying the release of MORE flight logs showing BIG names for '3 yEaRs', AFTER the public has already digested and absorbed the list of names of those on the flight logs on Scribd.

What do you think would be different between 3 years of FAKE NEWS COVERING for names 'NOBODY' expected to be on the flight logs, and then they're made public, versus having them all released before Epstein was generally known by the public?

This is why you are here shilling. Your script writers know it's far worse for them if Q conserves ammo, and STILL awaken the public to what went on at Little St. James, and THEN release more logs (expend ammo) for maximum impact!

This is why the deep state is always sending their shills to 'mock' Q for 'being too slow'. They are in fact projecting their panic at how effective Q has been even with this little ammo expended as compared to what Q could expend.

The deep state WANTS Q to waste ammo that isn't needed NOW, but will be needed LATER.

That's why Q keeps saying 'Timing is everything".

The deep state (shills are their proxy) is trying to get Q to waste more ammo sooner, to reduce the total ammo to be used in the future. Too much too fast and it won't work. Just the right amount of carpet bombs with the occasional MOAB is MUCH more effective AT ACHIEVE THE ACTUAL GOAL, which is not to satisfy the deep state or their shills that is for damn sure, but to awaken the public.

Every time I see shills attack Q when bad news happens for Democrats, I KNOW it is burning the deep state a new asshole ezch time.

It must be AGONIZING to be outsmarted day after day.

Deep state shills go crazy trying to get Q to waste ammo, despite that Q goes along according to plan.