Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.10056947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7368 >>7412 >>7544 >>7623

Researchers Charged with Visa Fraud After Lying About Their Work for China’s People’s Liberation Army

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.10056961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Hollywood cult is the old Satanic cult


Kabbalah and Scientology are so yesterday.


The latest fad of Hollyweird is Satanism itself, dressed up as a revival of the late occultist Aleister Crowley’s (1875–1947) sex cult, Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) or Thelema.


The Daily Mail reports, April 21, 2013, that celebrities are now falling for an even more sinister “religion” of Ordo Templi Orientis – the “Satanic sex cult” founded by Aleister Crowley, b. 1875, who styled himself “the Great Beast 666″ and reveled in being called “the wickedest man in the world.”


Crowley was born into an upper-class evangelical Christian English family. He fashioned a form of worship involved sadomasochistic sex rituals with men and women (Crowley was openly bisexual), spells which he claimed could raise malevolent gods, and the use of hard drugs, including opium, cocaine, heroin and mescaline.


Crowley’s motto and that of OTO is “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,” which is also the motto of the contemporary Church of Satan.


The new-old Satanic cult has snared stars such as Peaches Geldof, Jay-Z, and Led Zeppelin guitariist Jimmy Page. The latter is so intrigued by Crowley he bought his former home, Boleskine House, on the shores of Loch Ness in Scotland.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.10056977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7368 >>7401 >>7412 >>7544 >>7623

AT&T Says 338,000 Customers Stopped Paying Phone Bill During Pandemic


AT&T Inc., for the first time, disclosed how many customers stopped paying their phone bill because of economic hardships related to the virus-induced recession, reported Bloomberg.


The company said 338,000 regular mobile-phone subscribers stopped paying in the second quarter; an additional 159,000 broadband customers and 91,000 TV subscribers stopped paying as well.


"We're actively contacting, working with and trying to retain these customers and certainly, we haven't given up on them and they haven't given up on us," CEO John Stankey said during an earnings call Thursday.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:31 p.m. No.10056981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6989 >>7132 >>7368 >>7412 >>7544 >>7623

Greenpeace Founder: ‘There is No Climate Catastrophe – It’s a Lie’


Incredibly, Moore completely eviscerates the concept of “climate catastrophism,”and dismantles the claim that man-made CO2 levels are warming the planet beyond a tipping point of human survival. Moore makes a number of strong arguments which debunk the IPCC’s increasingly problematic pseudo-scientific and anti-human narrative which is being parroted by climate change activists and the likes of Greta Thunberg. He explains:


Why Moore left Greenpeace.

The beginnings of the climate catastrophe movement.

Why Moore believes human beings would not only survive but survive better at far higher average temperatures (which would be concentrated toward the poles).

Why Moore believes that contrary to being in a Sixth Extinction, we are actually at an unprecedented time of biodiversity with no end in sight. – Why Moore believes “ocean acidification” claims are totally meritless.

The commonality among opposition to plastics, GMOs, nuclear energy, and fossil fuels. – Moore’s unrefuted theory that human beings actually saved life on Earth from terminal decline in CO2 levels.


Watch this highly informative interview:

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.10056987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6994 >>6999

US Judge Gives Maxwell One Week to Appeal Release of Docs From 2015 Epstein 'Sex Slave' Lawsuit


In September 2015, Virginia Roberts, now Giuffre, filed a defamation lawsuit against Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged “madame” Ghislaine Maxwell, which was eventually settled two years later. However, some materials in the case remained subject to a protective order.


US District Judge Loretta Preska gave one week to Jeffrey Epstein's associate Ghislaine Maxwell to appeal the release of some documents related to the 2015 civil lawsuit brought against her by the financier's alleged "sex slave", Virginia Giuffre Roberts, according to Reuters.


Earlier Reuters reported that Judge Preska authorised the release of the documents in question, but now it appears that Maxwell's legal team has asked the court for a "brief stay" to appeal the decision.


The Manhattan judge's move to authorize the publication of materials from the Roberts Giuffre-Maxwell defamation lawsuit was made during a Thursday hearing which was set to decide whether the 80 documents in question should be released.


The Roberts Giuffre-Maxwell defamation lawsuit was launched by Epstein's alleged sex trafficking victim back in September 2015 and settled two years later, but some materials in the case remained classified.


A number of individuals, including attorney and former Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz have been trying to get the protective order removed, with Dershowitz fighting a separate defamation case against Giuffre. Dershowitz insisted that the materials from the 2015 case will help him in his own lawsuit, but the legal teams of Maxwell, Giuffre and a mysterious individual referred to by the court as “John Doe”, strongly opposed the public release of the documents.


It is believed that these long-anticipated documents include Maxwell's 2016 deposition testimony, where she was asked "intrusive" questions relating to her private life, according to her legal team, as well as police reports from Palm Beach, where Epstein had a house and spent a large amount of time, as well as flight logs from the financier's private jets. It was previously suggested that the materials could potentially incriminate some well-known individuals associated with convicted sex offender Epstein and his alleged sex trafficking activities.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.10057000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7013

CIA ‘Obsessed’ With Former UK Envoy Who Will Testify in Spying on Assange Case


The former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange says he was the “top target” of the 24/7 surveillance of Assange at Ecuador’s embassy in London by the Spanish security company UC Global, which, according to press reports and court documents, shared the surveillance with the CIA.


Craig Murray said he has been contacted by an attorney in the spying case on Assange and that he will be going to Madrid to testify. The founder of UC Global, David Morales, was arrested over the surveillance (including privileged Assange-lawyer conversations) and is on trial.


Murray told former CIA analyst Ray McGovern in an email, shared with Consortium News with Murray’s permission, that the CIA was “obsessed” with him.


Murray told McGovern that he had offered to give evidence to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who spent $32 million and more than two years investigating an alleged conspiracy between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, including how WikiLeaks obtained emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.


Mueller concluded there was no evidence of a conspiracy between Moscow and Trump, but maintained Russian agents “hacked” the emails and delivered them to WikiLeaks for publication.


Murray has said that different persons with legal access to the DNC and Podesta emails were WikiLeaks’ sources.


“I wrote to Mueller offering to give evidence, never received any reply,” Murray wrote to McGovern on Wednesday. “Never had any request for an interview by any US authorities.”


Murray then wrote, “BUT I received a message from the lawyer in the case in Madrid about the spying on Assange in the Embassy, contracted by the CIA, which said that I was the ‘top target’ for the contractors and the evidence shows they were ‘obsessed with’ me. I shall be going to Madrid to give evidence.”


Murray added: “Just why the US security services declined my offer of free evidence yet were obsessed with spying on me is an interesting question…”

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.10057008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7015 >>7233 >>7368 >>7412 >>7544 >>7623

DoJ Watchdog to Investigate Use of Force by Feds in Portland, Washington, DC


Critics have slammed the Trump administration for its deployment of federal agents in combat gear to major American cities, with Portland, Oregon Mayor Ted Wheeler tear gassed by federal officers on Wednesday night in front of the federal courthouse. Earlier, a Russian TV crew was beaten by officers while covering the Portland protests.


The Justice Department Office of the Inspector General has promised to investigate potential excessive use of force by federal agents in recent protests in Portland, as well as their deployment against protesters in Lafayette Square in Washington, DC on June 1.


In a statement Thursday, the DoJ said that the probe was opened after requests from lawmakers on Capitol Hill and US Attorney in Oregon Billy J Williams. DoJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected coordinate the investigation with the Department of Homeland Security.


"The review will include examining the training and instruction that was provided to the DOJ law enforcement personnel; compliance with applicable identification requirements, rules of engagement, and legal authorities; and adherence to DOJ policies regarding the use of less-lethal munitions, chemical agents, and other uses of force," Horowitz's office noted.


"With regard to events in Lafayette Square on June 1, 2020, the DOJ OIG will coordinate our review with the Department of Interior OIG, which recently announced its review of those events. If circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review," the statement added.


Federal agents' actions in the Portland garnered national media attention this week after Mayor Ted Wheeler was tear gassed while taking part in anti-racism and police violence protests Wednesday night. Wheeler had previously criticized Washington for deploying federal officers to the city, which he said only served to exacerbate tensions. The Trump administration deployed federal police officers to the city in early July as the president promised to restore order to Portland and other cities amid weeks of protests kicked off in late May following the police killing of an unarmed black man in Minneapolis.


On Wednesday, Portland's city council prohibited local police from coordinating with federal agents, and from using force against journalists and observers. In the early hours of Wednesday, a Russian TV crew was attacked and beaten by police while covering the Portland protests.


114 members of the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives wrote a letter to Attorney General William Barr and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf asking them to explain the "deployment of roving units of the secret police under the control of the president," which they called "an absolute affront to the Bill of Rights." Among the lawmakers' complaints were the fact that the federal officers wear camouflage uniforms with no badge or insignia denoting their agency or identity.


Also on Wednesday, President Trump vowed to double down on the deployment of federal law enforcement in Chicago and other US cities plagued by mob unrest and violent crime.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:38 p.m. No.10057029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7040

Sen. Tom Cotton Presses DOJ to Investigate Google over Potential Antitrust Violations


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is pushing the Department of Justice (DOJ) to probe whether search giant Google is in violation of antitrust laws on a number of fronts, a new letter he wrote to Attorney General Bill Barr provided to Breitbart News exclusively shows.


“In recent weeks, news outlets ​have reported ​that the Department of Justice is nearing a decision about whether to take enforcement action against Google for anticompetitive behavior that violates U.S. antitrust law,” Cotton wrote to Barr, citing a recent Politico report on looming DOJ action against Google. “I ask that the Department also investigate whether Google’s dominance of online searches violates antitrust law”:


Cotton wrote to Barr that Google dominates search volume, citing a report from Business Insider on how the Silicon Valley powerhouse currently has 90 percent of online searches worldwide conducted through its platform. He noted that while the mere fact Google is engaged in “monopolistic behavior” is troubling and warrants Justice Department action, what is “even more alarming” is the fact that Google is using that power for political goals.


“More than ​90% of global searches​ ​are conducted through Google’s search engine, suggesting that Google has a monopoly of internet searches by any objective standard,” Cotton wrote. “While monopolistic behavior alone should warrant Department action, it’s even more alarming that reports suggest Google is using that monopoly to achieve political goals and influence American elections.”


The next paragraph of Cotton’s letter to Barr notes how Google CEO Sundar Pichai has testified that his platform did not manipulate search results for political purposes, but then cites a Breitbart News report on leaked internal documents from inside Google that demonstrate it did exactly that.


“In December 2018, Google CEO Sundar Pichai testified before Congress that Google did not ‘manually intervene’ ​on any search results,” Cotton wrote. “A source from Google, however, later reported to a news outlet that YouTube (owned by Google) ​manipulated search results​ ​related to abortion after a left-wing journalist complained about the prominence of pro-life videos on YouTube. After the journalist’s inquiry, the search results were manipulated to feature more content supporting abortion from left-wing media.”


Cotton also points to Breitbart News and Wall Street Journal investigations that demonstrate how Google is manipulating its systems to block conservative media using blacklists.


“A source from Google has also revealed that Google uses ​’blacklists’ ​and these lists are used to to block conservative media from showing up in ​‘featured snippets,’” Cotton wrote. “​These sites are further limited from showing up in search placements as Google considers them ​‘fringe domains.’ ​Even where a user searches for an exact headline of an article that appears on a blacklisted website, they still may not find it.”


Cotton also cites a study from noted expert Dr. Robert Epstein published in 2015 demonstrating that Google’s actions could significantly affect the outcome of elections.


“Because of Google’s domination of the search engine market, the consequences of Google suppressing conservative views is particularly pernicious,” Cotton wrote. “A ​recent study​, in fact, examined five experiments involving the ‘search engine manipulation effect’ and concluded that ‘biased search rankings can shift the voting preferences of undecided voters by 20% or more[.]’ With the manipulation of these search engine rankings masked, ‘people show no awareness of the manipulation.’ I think you would agree, the idea a monopolistic company can hold such sway over American voters is deeply concerning.”


Cotton concluded the letter by telling Barr he hopes the Justice Department will take swift action to counter these concerns about Google. “I trust the Department of Justice is closely examining all aspects of abuse by Google and will act accordingly,” Cotton wrote.


Cotton’s letter was also signed by Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA).

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.10057052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7087

Horowitz: Republicans agree to throw money at states shutting down our lives and promoting rioting


Here are the top problems with the proposed series of lockdown bailout bills


So, what is the punishment for all these liberal governors and county officials violating the Constitution and shutting down our lives when their edicts don't even work to stop the spread of a transmissible respiratory virus? Senate Republicans and White House officials negotiated a package of bills to throw even more money at the states, thereby further incentivizing them to continue the flat-earth shutdown.


Now that Republicans have agreed that the feds can print an unlimited amount of money, why not just send everyone a $100,000 check? What about $200,000 so they can go on a nice vacation? Why draw the line at just one more $1,200 check per person? Also, if after accruing monthly deficits as large as our biggest annual deficits and creating more dependency than we had during the Great Depression, how can Republicans run against socialism? What exactly is socialism if not what Republicans are championing?


Here are the top problems with the proposed series of lockdown bailout bills that will add another $1 trillion to the deficit, create permanent dependency, empower the education cartel, and reward and incentivize liberal governors to continue their bad behavior. The actual bill has not been written, but here are the broad contours of the negotiations:


Paying off the teacher's unions … for shutting down schools! Remember the promise by the president to cut off funding to schools that don't reopen? Not only will this not cut off existing funds, but it will add $70 billion in new funding for schools – with half the funding being dispersed on a per capita basis without any conditions and $30 billion dispersed to those schools that have "some" in-person instruction, which is to be defined by the governors! So rather than fighting a battle where the science and the data are clear, Republicans are rewarding the teacher's unions for their selfish child abuse in destroying elementary school kids' education and lining their pockets. Also, if schools are basically shut down, why do they need even the existing pot of money they get from the feds, much less a new cash infusion?

Bailing out the Marxist universities so they can teach BLM anarchism: The only good thing about the shutdown is that the poisonous university campuses have been closed. Yet this bill offers $30 billion for universities with zero conditions attached! This is after the universities successfully got the Trump administration to back off its requirement for in-person instruction in order to continue the foreign student program. Now, not only do they have no incentive to open up normally, but they will get paid extra to spread their poison without having to rid their rolls of foreign students and without having to return to normal life.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:43 p.m. No.10057076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7096 >>7135 >>7368 >>7412 >>7439 >>7544 >>7623

Heated Vaccine Debate — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz


About the Guests:


(Anti Vaccine) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice.


Mr. Kennedy is an esteemed author, with a long list of published books including the New York Times’ bestseller, Crimes Against Nature. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from a litany of successful legal actions. He received recognition for his role in the landmark victory against Monsanto last year, as well as in the DuPont Case that inspired the movie “Dark Waters” (2019).


Order his latest book: American Values


(Pro Vaccine) Professor Alan M. Dershowitz is Brooklyn native who has been called “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer” and one of its “most distinguished defenders of individual rights,” “the best-known criminal lawyer in the world,” “the top lawyer of last resort,” “America’s most public Jewish defender” and “Israel’s single most visible defender – the Jewish state’s lead attorney in the court of public opinion.” He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Dershowitz, a graduate of Brooklyn College and Yale Law School, joined the Harvard Law School faculty at age 25 after clerking for Judge David Bazelon and Justice Arthur Goldberg.


Order his Latest Book: Guilt by Accusation

– – – – –

(Moderator) Patrick Bet-David – During the Iranian Revolution of 1978, Patrick’s family had to escape to survive and ended up living at a refugee camp in Erlangen, Germany. At 12 years old Patrick found himself collecting cans & beer bottles to raise money that could help his family and get him a Nintendo. These childhood experiences had a major impact on his perspective of freedom, hard work and entrepreneurship. Today, he is CEO of PHP Agency, Inc. a financial services company with over 15,000 agents in 49 states and Puerto Rico and an active YouTube creator commonly known for his investigative journalistic approach to interviews and unorthodox business teachings.

– – – –

(Channel) Valuetainment is an emerging media network for entrepreneurs and people from all walks of life created by Serial Entrepreneur, Patrick Bet-David. Valuetainment is referred to as the best channel for entrepreneurs with weekly How To’s, Motivation, current events and interviews consisting of unique individuals from all walks of life.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.10057097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7117 >>7368 >>7412 >>7544 >>7623

Joe Biden authored the 1995 precursor to the Patriot Act which was conveniently introduced two months before the Oklahoma City Bombing.


The official story for the OKC Bombing is that a couple misguided patriot-terrorists decided to take revenge on the government for infringing upon people's rights. While their intent may have been genuine, there is evidence enforcing the theory that not only did the government know about their plans preceding the attack, but that they even provided the means to carry it out.


In the wise words of Winston Churchill, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." It appears that the U.S. government had no intention of wasting this crisis before it even happened.


On February 10th, 1995, Joe Biden introduced the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act. The bombing occurred two months later, on April 19th.


Although Sleepy Joe appears to be borderline senile these days, apparently he had 200 IQ supernatural foresight back then because his bill included Title IV: Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives. Something like this would have been awfully useful for identifying the source of the OKC Bomber's explosives.


In a 2001 interview following 9/11, Biden bragged, "I drafted a terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was my bill."


Hold up


"after the Oklahoma City bombing"




After? Don't you mean before? There are two possibilities here:


Sleepy Joe misspoke and therefore his descent into senility has been an ongoing process for at least twenty years.


He consciously lied about the bill's timing because admitting that it was ready before the bombing would implicate him along with the rest of the government.


Taking a step back and looking at the big picture strongly suggests that the OKC Bombing was a false flag operation to create an incentive for the passing of an anti-terrorism bill. A year after the bombing, parts of the Omnibus Counterterrorism Act were incorporated into the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, laying the groundwork for the Patriot Act which we all know and love.


This raises some questions about the possibility of a similar motive for 9/11; to create an excuse for mass surveillance in the name of national security. For the government, the murder of innocent citizens is a small price to pay for the boundless opportunities offered through new means of oppression.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.10057148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7167

How the ‘woke’ globalist cult is trying to reprogram Americans into unthinking bots


The woke globalist cult wants you as a member, whether you like it or not. Here's how you resist.


“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.’” ― St. Anthony the Great


“What is the cost of lies? It’s not that we’ll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all.” ― HBO’s Chernobyl


What is happening to our planet?


Americans now risk being shamed, attacked, and even murdered for not wearing a mask in public. The “right of the people to peaceably assemble” has basically been abolished (the right of the people to violently assemble, however, is another story).


Petty bureaucrats delight in creating and enforcing arbitrary rules about everyday life. Attempts to launch an iconoclastic cultural revolution are picking up steam. Kindergarten now takes place over Zoom. Government hotlines have been created for people to report on others playing tennis, going to church, or showing their faces in public.


What can Catholics do in the face of this insanity?


First, we must pray and work on getting our own lives and souls in order. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the highest form of prayer we have. We must take advantage of the graces offered to us in Holy Communion, especially now that we know how easily we can lose access to the Sacraments. St. Padre Pio said it would be easier for the earth to exist without the sun than without the Mass. Depriving the faithful of the Eucharist is like depriving us of oxygen. Frankly, I was dismayed over how eagerly bishops banned Masses at the onset of the coronavirus outbreak and how quickly their priests went along with it. One friend recently wished bishops and priests treated sin as seriously as they do the virus (and what we can only assume is fear of lawsuits related to the virus).


The deep feeling of abandonment so many Catholics felt when Masses were banned – not only because of the actions of our bishops but also those of many, many priests – was and still is very real. Some priests didn’t protest when they were banned from giving the Last Rites; others went along with episcopal orders to lock church doors, giving parishioners the clear message that the Church’s mission of giving out soul-saving sacraments was not really an essential service.


Will we have Christmas Masses in much of the country this year? Flu season and whatever “wave” of coronavirus we’re on then make it seem unlikely. What a wretched thought: no Easter or Christmas Masses in 2020. I hope I am wrong.


Receive Communion while you can. Try to find a priest who will give you the Sacraments, including the Eucharist. Go to Confession. Pray the rosary.


Read books that share accounts of keeping the faith under oppressive communist governments, like Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s Christus Vincit: Christ's Triumph Over the Darkness of the Age.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.10057180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7195 >>7368 >>7412 >>7544 >>7623

Johnstone: The Only Obstacle To A Healthy World Is Government Secrecy And Propaganda


If people in power were no longer able to hide secrets and spin lies about what’s going on in the world, all of our major problems would come to an end. Because secretive and manipulative power structures are the source of all of our major problems.


If the public could see what’s actually happening in their world, they would immediately begin using the power of their numbers to overhaul our current system. This is why our current system pours so much energy into preventing the public from seeing what’s actually happening in their world.


If it weren’t for the constant campaign of obfuscation and manipulation of public perception via veils of government secrecy and propaganda, humanity would naturally find its way out of the power-driven tribulations it now faces, as surely as you’ll avoid obstacles and hazards in your path when you are walking with your eyes open. The only problem in this case is that our eyes have not been permitted to open.


May All Be Revealed


"The fight for humanity’s future begins at your own eyelids."

— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) June 24, 2020


It isn’t actually necessary to hold a bunch of hard, rigid ideas about exactly what kind of society we should have, what kind of political system we should have, what kind of economic system we should have. There’s nothing wrong with promoting ideas and having preferences of course, but really if you just gave humanity the ability to navigate through its own troubles by removing the blindfolds of propaganda and power opacity, it would organically create a healthy society, and realistically such a society probably won’t look a whole lot like our mental models.


You do have the option, then, of simply promoting the end of government/political/corporate/financial opacity and the end of establishment perception management. Wanting humanity to see with clear eyes so that it can make its own informed decisions about where to take itself is a complete political position, in and of itself. You don’t have to hold any other political preferences of any kind if you don’t want to.


The desire for an end to the obfuscations and manipulations of the powerful so that humanity can find its own way is the most anti-authoritarian position you can possibly take, because it also protects the world from your own authoritarian impulses.


I personally am very leftwardly inclined and believe that if humanity had its perception management blindfolds removed it would naturally create a world where we’re all truly equal and everyone is taken care of by the collective each according to their need, but what the hell do I know? Maybe if the blindfold is removed I’d be proven wrong. I respect human sovereignty enough to want to find out, free from my own political preferences. I should not be the one making such societal decisions, society as a whole should. I just want human perception to be freed up enough to make that call.


How To Defeat The Empire


"What I do advocate, in as many different ways as I can come up with, is a decentralized guerrilla psywar against the institutions which enable the powerful to manipulate the way ordinary people think, act and vote."

— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) September 10, 2019

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 12:58 p.m. No.10057210   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Video: IDF Jet Makes 'Aggressive' Pass Over Iranian Passenger Plane in Syrian Airspace - State Media


According to reports in Iranian media, an Israeli aircraft made an "aggressive" close pass near an Iranian airliner that was flying through Syrian airspace on Thursday.


According to Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), Mahan Air Flight 1152 on its way to Beirut, Lebanon, from Tehran, Iran, was approached closely on Thursday by an aircraft purported to be Israeli. However, PressTV has reported it may have been American.


"After this dangerous action by the Israeli fighter, the pilot of the passenger plane quickly reduced the altitude of the flight to avoid colliding with the Israeli fighter, which caused a number of passengers on the flight to be injured," IRIB reported.


Video captured on board the flight and shared on social media shows the aircraft jolting back and forth during the maneuver as passengers scream.—report/

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1 p.m. No.10057224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7255 >>7297 >>7368 >>7412 >>7544 >>7623

Democratic Leaders In Congress Reject Republicans’ $1 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Plan


Democratic leaders rejected Republicans’ $1 trillion coronavirus stimulus package on Thursday, saying it is “a partisan bill that will never become law.”


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer both criticized the legislation, saying it does not go far enough.


“What we have seen so far falls very short of the challenge that we face in order to defeat the virus, and in order to open our schools and open our economy,” Pelosi said. “We have to act. And what they’re proposing falls far short.”


Schumer said the package is “a partisan bill that will never become law just so they can muster up the courage to negotiate.”


“It appears the Republican legislative response to COVID is un-unified, unserious, unsatisfactory. The Republican disarray and dithering has seriously, potentially deadly consequences for tens of millions of Americans,” Schumer continued.


The White House and members of Congress have floated potential items for a Phase 4 coronavirus stimulus package for months. Such items include a payroll tax cut, a second round of direct payments to taxpayers and increased budgets for schools to reopen in the fall, but formal negotiation between the administration and Congressional leadership didn’t kick off until this week. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy met with President Donald Trump at the White House on Monday.


The first round of bipartisan negotiations — featuring Pelosi, Schumer, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows — followed on Tuesday at the Capitol.


Heading into Tuesday’s meeting, Meadows said that the group was eyeing a tentative July 31 deadline for the package, which happens to be the last day the House is currently scheduled to be in session. McConnell told reporters later in the day that it’s unrealistic to expect legislation to be passed within that timeline.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:06 p.m. No.10057272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7297 >>7412 >>7467 >>7544 >>7623

Mike Tyson to face Roy Jones Jr. in Sept. 12 exhibition match


Former undisputed heavyweight champion Mike Tyson is making a comeback.


Tyson, 54, will fight Roy Jones Jr. in an eight-round exhibition on Sept. 12 at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, California. The bout will be broadcast on pay-per-view as well as multimedia platform Triller. According to a news release, Triller will also show a 10-part docuseries leading up to the bout.


Tyson (50-6) has caused a stir on social media the past few months as he posted footage of himself training. He last fought 15 years ago, when Kevin McBride stopped Tyson in six rounds.


Tyson, in an appearance on ESPN's First Take on Thursday, explained his reasoning for a return to the ring.


"It's because I can do it. And I believe other people believe they can do it too," Tyson said. "Just because we are 54, it doesn't mean that we have to start a new career and our lives are totally over. Not when you feel as beautiful as I do, and I'm sure that other people feel the same way.


"I never took that many punches. After the last fight I had, I left and I lived my life, and I've been through some experiences, and now I'm back here. I feel like I took better care of my body and my state of mind than most of the fighters before me that retired and came back."


Jones (66-9), at his apex, was considered the most brilliant boxer in the sport, winning titles at middleweight, super middleweight, light heavyweight and heavyweight. He had a sublime mix of speed, technique and ring intelligence.


Last month, Jones, 51, expressed interest in a possible bout with Tyson.


"I've been trying to enjoy retirement, but people don't seem to want to let me retire," Jones said. "They keep calling me, telling me that Mike wants to come back, and that you'd be a great opponent for Mike.


"We always wanted to see it, but I would've preferred it back then. Tyson is a hell of a specimen still. Still a problem to deal with. But at the same time, life is life, you only live once. You want to know what it's like, you go in there and see. You still gotta see it."


"Iron Mike" was considered one of the most ferocious fighters in the world. He became the youngest heavyweight champion in history (at 20 years and four months) by stopping Trevor Berbick in two rounds in November 1986.


Tyson then ruled the division with impunity, making nine successful defenses and unifying the division before being upset by Buster Douglas in February 1990.


After spending three years in jail for a rape conviction, Tyson returned to boxing in 1995, then won the WBC and WBA heavyweight titles in 1996. Tyson's last true big fight came in the summer of 2002, when he was halted in eight rounds by Lennox Lewis.


As for Jones, his career declined after he was knocked out by Antonio Tarver in 2004. That began a three-bout losing streak, and a fighter who was once considered untouchable became more and more susceptible to getting knocked out.


Jones last appeared in a professional bout in February 2018, when he defeated Scott Sigmon by decision. The last recognizable name on his ledger, Enzo Maccarinelli, knocked out Jones in four rounds in Moscow in 2015.


Tyson didn't seem too concerned when asked about the risk he and Jones face fighting at their respective ages.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.10057283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7290 >>7297

State AGs Investigating Apple For Allegedly Deceiving Customers


As the CEOs of the big platform tech giants prepare to sit for a (virtual) Congressional hearing later this month, that multiple states are investigating the consumer tech giant for allegedly deceiving customers, according to documents obtained by Axios.


The Cupertino-based tech behemoth is no stranger to investigations despite its sterling reputation. The company is already facing antitrust investigations from Democrats in the House, as well as the European Union (though a judge recently struck down a finding that would have forced Apple to pay billions of dollars in back-taxes to the government of Ireland.


States have also stepped up their scrutiny of Big Tech, and multi-state probes looking into Amazon and Google have already been announced.


AAPL shares sank on the news as tech cemented its position as the biggest laggard of the session.


Axios added that the Texas attorney general might sue Apple for violating the state’s deceptive trade practices law in connection with an investigation involving other states, according to the document, obtained by the Tech Transparency Project through a public records request and shared with Axios Thursday.


A spokesperson for Texas AG Ken Paxton's office purportedly told Axios that it's "A long-standing OAG policy" not to "comment on, confirm or deny any pending or potential investigations. It's still not clear which other states might be involved. "

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:12 p.m. No.10057322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Man Facing 60 Counts of Child Sex Abuse Gets Off With 1-Year Deferred Sentence in Plea Bargain


A man in Montana who initially faced over 60 counts of child sex abuse has received a deferred sentence of only one year after agreeing to a plea deal.


A man in Montana who initially faced over 60 counts of child sex abuse has received a deferred sentence of only one year after agreeing to a plea deal.


William Edward Miller Jr., a 51-year-old man from Great Falls, was arrested last February after a 14-year-old girl accused him of raping her. Miller also allowed an 11-year-old boy to rape her while he watched.


Last August, Miller was also charged with 64 counts of felony sexual abuse of children after investigators found images on his phone and laptop of children and animals being sexually abused.


Police had received a warrant to search his home after Miller called people in jail asking them to destroy his phone, reports the Great Falls Tribune.


During the investigation, officers also found a loaded gun under a mattress as well as Miller’s laptop. Upon examining his laptop, investigators found several images depicting child abuse as well as thousands of images related to bestiality.


Among the images were those depicting him engaging in sexual acts with a 17-year-old minor, who Miller later married when she became 19.


In a plea deal Miller later reached with prosecutors, the vast majority of charges ended up being dismissed. Based on a single photo of the 17-year-old girl that was found in his possession, Miller pleaded guilty to one count of felony sexual abuse of children and one count of misdemeanor unsworn falsification to authorities.


On Monday, Cascade County District Judge Elizabeth Best sentenced Miller to six months in prison for the misdemeanor. However, he received credit for 384 days of time served.


For the felony charge, Miller was given a one-year deferred sentence and was ordered to undergo sex offender treatment in the community. However, the deferred sentence allows Miller to have the child sex abuse charge wiped from his record provided he doesn’t commit another crime over the next year, reports KFBB.


The felony charges to which Miller pleaded guilty are connected to a photo of 17-year-old teenager Shiloh Young. The woman, who is now 19, and has been married to Miller for three months. She claims that she had taken the photo of herself to help her deal with body issues that she had.


“William is a kind, compassionate, empathetic man. Never has he manipulated or controlled me,” Young explained to the judge. “I ask that we be free of this charge. I feel that we have suffered enough, and I am not a victim of my husband.”

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.10057343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7351 >>7397 >>7487

Mysterious Prankster Is “Attacking” County Sheriffs In NY With Golden Packets Of LSD


The golden packages were labeled with the phrase "Take a trip beyond the pigpen.”


The St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office is claiming that it was “attacked” after suspicious gold packages filled with LSD were attached to the front door of some of their offices. The golden packages were labeled with the phrase “Take a trip beyond the pigpen.”


According to a Facebook post made by the Sheriff’s Office, and titled “Targeted Attacks on SLC Law Enforcement” read, “Emergency services located a suspicious packet attached to the front door of the public safety building located at 49 ½ Court Street in the village of Canton. The package is described as a golden foil packet containing what has been field-tested as the drug LSD. The Packet had a typed message of “Take a trip beyond the pigpen”.


The statement went on to say that between 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM, police located three other similarly wrapped packages of LSD at different locations, including the Village Police Department, the Norfolk Town Police Department and the Norwood Police Department. A total of four packages were found at the different locations.


“These cowardly acts towards all law enforcement are not going to be tolerated and to whomever this individualor individuals are, should be assured that we will be doing everything within our power to seek you out and hold you accountable to the fullest extent of the law,” the statement read.



Live For Live Music suggested that this prank could be the work of a “Deadhead” due to possible Grateful Dead references in the labels on the packaging.


“The cryptic message seems to make subtle nods to both the Dead’s music (i.e. “what a long, strange trip it’s been…”) and the band itself (the late Ron “Pigpen” McKernan was one of the Grateful Dead’s founding members). The golden packets may even be a nod to the Dead’s “The Golden Road (To Unlimited Devotion),” the blog’s editor guessed.


Pigpen could have been a reference to the late founding member of the band, but it could also simply be a reference to the pejorative “pig” that is often used to describe police officers. Regardless of the meaning behind the cryptic messaging on the package, the mysterious prankster appears to have given away fairly generous portions of the drug, possibly in hopes that the officers might try some out and change their minds about the work that they’re doing.


While the bags did appear to be a decent size it is not entirely clear which form the substance came in, or how much of it was there. If they were seeking to get an officer high, their best bet would have been to fill the bag with a good amount of liquid LSD.


According to a study published earlier this month, the use of LSD

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:19 p.m. No.10057374   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats, COVID, and the War on Children


It’s a common knowledge that the most Democrats who call themselves pro-choice (although a “pro-death” definition would be more accurate), don’t see a problem in killing 345,672 unborn babies a year, or making it legal to barbarically terminate the life of a fully formed baby. Those are “blobs of cells,” after all.


The same approach may be observed in the Democrats’ harsh opposition to President Trumps’ and the House Republicans’ push to reopen public schools that have been shut since March. In-person education and opportunity to socialize are critical for students of all ages, especially the youngest ones. And the isolation and quarantine has already taken its toll on children’s psychological well-being, which manifests itself in anxiety, emotional disorders, depression, and developmental delay. Setting aside the remarkable inefficiency and even psychological harm of distance learning (not to mention the fact that 163,000,000 Americans still don’t have a high-speed Internet at home – how are they to participate in online education?) We are talking about 51,140,573 students nationwide. Can they return to their normal routines? Luckily for some of them, the governors of the corresponding states and local school boards have decided that they can. What about the rest?


Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden believes that basement environment is the best for children: “Forcing educators and students back into a classroom, into areas where the infection rate is going up or remaining very high is just plain dangerous.” How is infection rate going up in areas that remain closed? He added then that science, not politics, should decide school reopening. Biden certainly believes that the science is on “their” side, but we have almost become accustomed to his bizarre and inaccurate statements, have we not? Joe seems to adopt Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s notorious maxim that if facts contradict theory, then so much the worse for the facts. Even though it’s known that Joe choses “truth over facts,” those Americans who haven’t moved to the looney tunes universe completely should not disregard verified reality. Let us see whether the facts have once again failed poor ol’ confused Uncle Joe.


Children Rarely get and Transmit COVID-19


As per the University of Vermont study “COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child Is Not to Blame” based on the data and findings of the “COVID-19 in Children and the Dynamics of Infection in Families” research of the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, children are not driving the pandemic. “After six months, we have a wealth of accumulating data showing that children are less likely to become infected and seem less infectious,” doctors conclude. The same has been concluded by foreign colleagues: Britons, French, Germans, Australians, Canadians, even Chinese.


Additional support for the notion that children are not significant vectors of the disease comes from mathematical modeling, the authors say. Models show that community-wide social distancing and widespread adoption of facial coverings are far better strategies for curtailing disease spread, and that closing schools adds little.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:22 p.m. No.10057395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7544 >>7623

Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Bank of America to Resolve Claims of Disability Discrimination and Compensate Victims

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:23 p.m. No.10057404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7443

Zimbabwe Sees Child Marriage Boom During Coronavirus Lockdown



Zimbabwean girls face increased risk of sexual exploitation, including child marriage, due to economic hardship and closed schools during the coronavirus pandemic, South African NGO Gender Links reported Monday.


“Poverty has been worsened in communities [due to economic shutdowns during the pandemic] and some families can opt to sacrifice their daughters [to child marriage] … it will save them from the hunger and other economic woes brought by the pandemic,” Zimbabwe’s Parliamentary Chairwoman on Education, Priscilla Misihairambwi Mushonga, told Gender Links.


The number of child marriages in Zimbabwe has increased during the pandemic, and “there [have been] many girls being married off, however, with few being reported,” Mushonga says. Teenage pregnancies across the country are also “on the rise,” she added.


Zimbabwe ordered schools closed this year in a bid to curb the spread of coronavirus, forcing many young girls who normally sought “refuge” from abusive households to remain trapped at home indefinitely, increasing their risk of sexual abuse, according to the report.


“The deepening poverty owing to loss of livelihoods brought about [by the pandemic]” combined with “perennial droughts in Zimbabwe’s Matabeleland South Province, are driving a number of families to marry off their under-age daughters,” the report states.


Zimbabwe technically outlawed child marriages in 2016, though the recent increase in the practice indicates that many in the country ignore the official ban.


Whistleblowing journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, who has openly criticized the practice of child marriage in Zimbabwe, was arrested this week after upsetting the Zimbabwean government by reporting on the Health Ministry’s corrupt procurement of coronavirus medical supplies, New Zimbabwe reported Monday.


Chin’ono’s reporting on the alleged fraud within Zimbabwe’s Health Ministry led authorities to open an investigation into Health Minister Obadiah Moyo. Police arrested Moyo in mid-June “on allegations of corruption regarding a $60-million deal to procure [coronavirus] test kits and medical equipment.” Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa then fired the health minister in early July for “conduct inappropriate for a government minister,” South Africa’s News24 reported.


Police also arrested Jacob Ngarivhume, the leader of the minor opposition party Transform Zimbabwe, on Monday on the same charges as Chin’ono: “inciting public violence.” Ngarivhume had been organizing an anti-government protest for July 31, Voice of America Zimbabwe reports.


Following news of Chin’ono and Ngarivhume’s arrests on Monday, Zimbabwe’s opposition MDC party accused the state of “persecuting a journalist for exposing government corruption.” A Zimbabwe government official later responded to this allegation by tweeting that journalists were “not above the law,” the BBC reported.


“[T]he incident comes at a time of rising tensions in Zimbabwe, with hyperinflation strangling the economy, and talk of a new round of mass protests against Zanu-PF, the party that has run the country since independence,” BBC Africa notes.


“Zimbabwe’s government promised reforms and economic growth after former President Robert Mugabe was ousted from power three years ago,” the news outlet writes. “But critics say it has reverted to its old habits of repression and corruption.”

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.10057426   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Craziness In Ukraine 2.0: Former Soldier Took Police Officer Hostage In Poltava


The craziness is the new normality in Ukraine. Just two days after the hostage incident in the city of Lutsk, another situation of this kind erupted in Poltava.


On July 23rd, a Ukrainian man took a police officer hostage by using a grenade in the city of Poltava. The man was suspected of stealing a car, and he escaped arrest by taking the senior police officer hostage.


He was provided with a car, and drove away with it, according to the criminal investigation department of the National Police of Ukraine.


“The culprit took a criminal investigation officer hostage. After negotiations, the culprit exchanged the criminal investigation officer for the head of the criminal investigation department of the National Police’s main directorate in the Poltava region, Colonel Vitaliy Shyian, with whom he drove away from the city in a car provided to him according to his demands,” the report reads.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:27 p.m. No.10057431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7544 >>7623

Militants Panic As Syrian Army Units Take Offensive Positions Around Greater Idlib


The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had put several of its units, including the elite 25the Special Forces Division “Tiger Forces”, in offensive positions around the northwestern region of Greater Idlib, a number of pro-governmental activists reported on July 23.


The activists, some of whom are known to be close to the 25th Special Forces Division, claimed that the army will soon launch a new large-scale ground operation against the remaining terrorists in Greater Idlib.


Opposition sources confirmed that the SAA was accumulating forces for a large attack in southern Idlib. According to the sources, the militants in the region were placed on high-alert.


In the last battle, the SAA liberated a large part of Greater Idlib. The M5 highway, which links Aleppo and Damascus, was also secured.

Militants Panic As Syrian Army Units Take Offensive Positions Around Greater Idlib


Russia and Turkey reached an agreement to stabilize Greater Idlib on March 5. Ankara reopened the Lattakia-Aleppo highway, known as the M4, under the agreement. However, terrorist groups controlling the region were not neutralized by Turkish forces.


Over the past few months, the terrorists violated the ceasefire agreement many times. SAA positions around Greater Idlib were targeted on a regular basis. Furthermore, a number of drone attacks were launched from the region at the Russian Hmeimim Air Base on the Syrian coast.


Turkey maintains a large military presence in Greater Idlib. The Turkish military deployed thousands of troops to the region in recent months. Air-defense systems were also deployed there.


Turkish military presence in Greater Idlib will hinder any new operation by the SAA and its allies. A new confrontation with Turkish forces will be inevitable.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:30 p.m. No.10057452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7477 >>7532 >>7544 >>7588 >>7623

Passengers injured after ‘Israeli fighter jet’ buzzes Iranian airliner over Syria


Several passengers aboard an Iranian passenger plane have reportedly been injured after an encounter with an Israeli fighter jet over Damascus. Iranian media say the dangerous maneuver forced the airliner to rapidly drop altitude.


The incident, said to have taken place in the skies above the Syrian capital on Thursday, has been captured on videos published by the Iranian broadcaster IRIB.


The footage allegedly shows an Israeli fighter jet maneuvering dangerously close to the Iranian aircraft. Another clip shows passengers screaming as the cabin is visibly shaking.


Footage apparently captured later shows one man talking with blood running down his forehead, while another passenger is filmed lying prone on the floor.


Iranian media said the passenger plane was forced to rapidly drop altitude to avoid a mid-air collision, and that the chaotic scenes show the emergency descent and its aftermath.


The plane reportedly landed safely thereafter. It belongs to the Iranian private company Mahan Air.


There was no comment immediately available from the Israeli Defense Forces.

Anonymous ID: 6117ba July 23, 2020, 1:37 p.m. No.10057508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7544 >>7623 >>7694

DOJ IG Michael Horowitz Launches Investigation Into ‘Use of Force Allegations’ Involving DOJ Law Enforcement Officers During Portland Riots


Obama-appointed Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Thursday announced an investigation into ‘use of force allegations’ involving Department of Homeland Security officers who were deployed to Portland to quell weeks of non-stop riots.


Horowitz is also investigating actions of federal agents in Lafayette Square in DC last month to quell the violence.


Horowitz cited “Congressional requests, complaints received by the OIG, and a referral from the US Attorney in Oregon.”


Horowitz said that additionally, the DOJ OIG is initiating a review to examine the DOJ’s and its law enforcement components’ roles, responsibilities, training, rules of engagement, use of less-lethal munitions, chemical agents and other uses of force.


Portland is a war zone thanks to Democrat officials who have given stand down orders to local law enforcement allowing Antifa and BLM to riot non stop for nearly two months.


Antifa terrorists in Portland have been rioting for over 50 days non-stop.


President Trump deployed federal law enforcement to quell the riots after Antifa militants began targeting a federal courthouse in downtown Portland.


This was Portland last night:


Ted Wheeler ended up getting gassed by the feds.


Why wasn’t he arrested?


Now Horowitz is targeting federal agents with an investigation for trying to bring law and order to Portland and DC.


So when is the next IG firing?