Anonymous ID: d59094 July 23, 2020, 2:12 p.m. No.10057845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Arizona Child Welfare Investigators Fired for ‘Professional Kidnapper’ T-Shirts


Several county workers investigating allegations of abuse and neglect in some of Arizona’s most struggling communities were reportedly fired last month, after they wore bright pink T-shirts to work declaring themselves a “professional kidnapper.” The back of the public employee’s shirts, according to an article by child-welfare reporter Mary Jo Pitzl in the Arizona Republic on Tuesday asked: “Do you know where your children are?” The story published on reported that the workers in the Prescott office of Yavapai County were apparently fired last month, after the Arizona Department of Child Safety learned about the T-shirts worn during work hours.


Frontline social workers investigating abuse and neglect allegations have some of the most emotionally taxing jobs in the child welfare field – work that can be both heartbreaking and high-stress, resulting in high turnover and burnout. The departures of social workers in Yavapai County, the newspaper reported, left just one investigator in its child safety office. A photo obtained by the Republic showed several mask-wearing women in the parking lot of the Prescott office wearing the shirts, showing both the front and backs of the T-shirts. The picture circulated widely within child welfare circles, the news organization reported. Although the state Department of Child Safety declined to confirm the dismissals, citing the privacy of personnel matters, the article stated, one unnamed woman acknowledged she had been fired over the shirt but declined to elaborate.


Pitzl interviewed one local woman who said the shirts were intended as an inside joke among investigators that was meant to relieve the stress of the job. And another former unit supervisor said the dismissals were long overdue. “The T-shirts were an apparent attempt to poke fun at critics’ portrayal of DCS,” Pitzl wrote. “The agency’s detractors have long raised concerns that it removes children from families too easily, and is biased against parents, with some going so far as to accuse it of kidnapping.” The national goal of child welfare policy is to take all reasonable measures to keep families intact if it can be done safely, and research has consistently shown that children fare better if they can maintain strong family ties. Removals and foster care placements, according to the U.S. Children’s Bureau, should be a last resort.


Richard Wexler, executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, who tracks child removal rates nationwide, described Arizona as well above the national average, although he said 14 states rates rank even higher. Within Arizona, Wexler said, Yavapai County’s rate is mid-range. Pitzl told The Chronicle of Social Change that she broke the story after following a tip she received while on furlough from the Republic. Like virtually all news organizations, the Republic has struggled for revenue amid the coronavirus pandemic. She said her next move is to investigate whether the T-shirt scandal indicates a lack of effective leadership at the Department of Child Safety, or just bad judgment on the part of overburdened workers. “It’s a bad look either way,” Pitzl said.

Anonymous ID: d59094 July 23, 2020, 3:04 p.m. No.10058368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8436

Facebook plans to announce QAnon content crackdown next month


Two Facebook employees also claimed that the company has been coordinating with Twitter and other social media platforms. Facebook is reportedly preparing to follow in the footsteps of Twitter and getting ready to purge QAnon content from its platform. Followers of QAnon generally support President Trump and believe that an anonymous user account named “Q” shares information online about the plans of a high-level government insider or group of insiders who are working to take down the Deep State (a group inside the government that operates independently of elected officials to promote its own interests). The New York Times reports that two Facebook employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said that Facebook will be taking similar steps to those taken by Twitter in order to limit the reach of QAnon content and the that it will be announcing its plans next month. 'The employees added that Facebook has been coordinating with Twitter and other social media companies when formulating its plans to purge QAnon content'.


If Facebook and the other social media companies it’s purportedly coordinating with do blacklist QAnon, it would highlight the immense power these platforms have over public discourse with billions of users suddenly being blocked from discussing a topic. In a previous demonstration of this power, Facebook and YouTube banned all mentions of the impeachment whistleblower’s name which was newsworthy at the time due to the role of the individual in kickstarting the impeachment probe against President Trump. The Facebook employees didn’t specify how Facebook will suppress QAnon content but Twitter’s recent blacklisting of QAnon content involved banning thousands of accounts, blocking QAnon content and accounts from appearing in trends, recommendation, and search, and blocking links that are associated with QAnon content. Facebook already has measures in place to blacklist content and accounts that it deems to be “dangerous,” “hate figures,” or “hate domains.” Once an individual, organization, or domain is blacklisted in this way, they’re banned from Facebook’s platforms and users are prohibited from mentioning them or linking to their content, unless the post criticizes or condemns them. Applying one of these designations to QAnon would yield similar results to Twitter’s blacklisting of the topic and prevent accounts or posts associated with QAnon from appearing sitewide, unless they’re condemning QAnon.


Facebook previously purged some QAnon content from its platform in May with a total of 31 QAnon groups, pages, and accounts being taken down. In this instance, Facebook said the accounts were removed for “coordinated inauthentic behavior ahead of the 2020 election in the US.” These pending restrictions on QAnon content are reflective of the increased sanctions Big Tech has placed on anything that it deems to be “conspiracy content” over the last few years.

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