Anonymous ID: 4327c7 July 23, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.10058490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8738 >>8949 >>9158

DNI Declassifies Trump, Flynn Defensive Briefing From 2016, Revealing Bureau Was Spying And Collecting Information On Trump And Team


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Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliff partially declassified numerous documents Thursday on the FBI’s defensive briefing given in August, 2016 to then Republican candidate Donald Trump, former national security advisor Michael Flynn and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Those documents are now public and have been reviewed by this reporter.


The now declassified defensive briefing documents were approved by former FBI Special Agents Kevin Clinesmith, who was outed by the DOJ’s Inspector General for falsifying and omitting information in the Foreign Intelligence Application warrant against Carter Page. Moreover, former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok is also a signatory who approved the defensive briefing notes. Strzok was removed from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump Russia and was later fired by the bureau after thousands of anti-Trump texts were discovered between him and his then lover FBI lawyer Lisa Page. The now debunked Russia probe investigation and the investigations looking into the bureau’s malfeasance reveals that the FBI was collecting information directly on Trump for political purposes.


The case ID on the defensive briefing document titled ‘(Redacted) Document Brief to Republican Candidate for U.S. President’ is noted as 97-HQ-2026661 (Redacted) Crossfire Hurricane; Foreign Agents Registration Act – Russia.


“It’s interesting that the defensive briefing for a potential president was listed as part of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation,” said one former federal law enforcement official. “It reveals that the bureau went beyond Flynn in collecting information on then candidate Trump.”


The once highly classified document dated August 30, 2016, states that “This communication documents writer’s counter(intelligence)…security briefing to the Republican candidate for U.S. President Donald J. Trump, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and General (retired) Michael Flynn.


It also notes the day the FBI registered the Crossfire Hurricane investigation as July, 31, 2016.


It states that the writer of the document, is Joe Pientka, III, who provided a “counterintelligence and security briefing to U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump” along with Flynn and Christie. Pientka is still with the bureau and has never been questioned by Congress. He was with Strzok in January, 2017 at the White House when they went to question then national security advisor Flynn.


“The briefing is standard practice for potential candidates for presidency and their senior advisors,” stated a former FBI Official. “However, spying on a presidential candidate during a briefing isn’t.”


The documents states that “(Redacted) Writer’s brief lasted approximately thirteen minutes, stating at 1555 and ending at 1608,” in military hours.


“Upon entering the room Trump, Christie and Flynn shook hands with all the briefers. Trump, Christie and Flynn sat with their backs to the clocks facing the windows while the briefers sat across from them. An ODNI briefer, Edward Gistaro, initiated the briefing by discussing the history job the briefings and establishing the ground rules regarding the brief, specifically that the briefers would not answer policy related questions and would not discuss any operations,” the document written by Pientka states.


“Gistaro then introduced writer, who approved the following brief (not verbatim, this is a summary):

Anonymous ID: 4327c7 July 23, 2020, 4:27 p.m. No.10059126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9144 >>9208

I just went to Liberty Times and Julians Rum on twitter and got this message a couple of times


I hit the button a couple of times, they wouldn’t come up