Anonymous ID: a20e89 July 23, 2020, 5:53 p.m. No.10060008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0223 >>0281 >>0478 >>0674 >>0799

Charlamagne Tha God says Biden should 'shut the eff up forever' after calling Trump 'first' racist POTUS


'Joe, you got to hurry up and announce your Black woman VP so I can be enthused about voting for her,' the radio host said


"The Breakfast Club" radio host Charlamagne Tha God blasted former Vice President Joe Biden for calling President Trump the "first" racist president to be elected.


On Wednesday, Biden took aim at the president's alleged racism, suggesting it's historic compared to his predecessors.


“No sitting president has ever done this… No Republican president has done this. No Democratic president. We’ve had racists and they’ve existed and they’ve tried to get elected president. He’s the first one that has,” Biden said.


However, Charlamagne declared the presumptive Democratic candidate Thursday's "Donkey of the Day" for his comments.


"I really wish Joe Biden would shut the eff up forever and continue to act like he's starring in the movie 'A Quiet Place' because as soon as he opens his mouth and makes noise, he gets us all killed, OK?" the radio host said. "There's already so many people who are reluctantly only voting for Joe Biden because he's the only option and because Donald J. Trump is that trash."


Charlamagne then cited polling that showed a wide enthusiasm gap between Biden and Trump, noting that it's "not good" for the Democrat to be lacking excitement among his voters, and suggested Biden's latest remarks will further contribute to the "lack of enthusiasm."


"Old white male leadership has failed America and there is nothing worse than an old white male [who] can't recognize the faults and flaws of other old white males," Charlamagne told listeners. "Racism is the American way. Donald Trump is not the first. And sadly, he won't be the last, right? He's just more overt with his racism than most presidents in recent times."


The "Breakfast Club" co-host accused Biden of "revisionist history," calling his claim about Trump "a lie" that "relinquishes America of all responsibility of its bigotry."


"How are we ever going to atone for America's original sins if we don't acknowledge them?" Charlemagne asked in reaction to Biden's remarks. "How the hell can Donald Trump be the first racist president in a country where 12 presidents before him owned slaves?"


He later offered a message directly to Biden.


"Joe, you got to hurry up and announce your Black woman VP [vice president] so I can be enthused about voting for her because I will never be enthused about voting for you, and you know America is a terrible place when Kanye West seems like a viable option," Charlagmne added.


Charlamagne tha God created headlines during his interview with Biden in May after the former VP suggested that "you ain't Black" if Black voters were considering voting for Trump. Biden later walked back those remarks.

Anonymous ID: a20e89 July 23, 2020, 5:57 p.m. No.10060045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0281 >>0478 >>0674

Greenblatt: U.S. wants Israel to earmark land for future Palestinian state


Ex-U.S. Mideast envoy says while Trump peace plan allows Israel to apply sovereignty to some 30% of West Bank, it also commits Israel to slating lands for a Palestinian state


The United States wants Israel to earmark lands for a future Palestinian state, former U.S. Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt told Army Radio on Thursday.

Anonymous ID: a20e89 July 23, 2020, 5:58 p.m. No.10060050   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Look like Tic Tok has joined Twitter ann is banning all #qanon and #wwg1wga hashtags

Anonymous ID: a20e89 July 23, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.10060062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0281 >>0284 >>0478 >>0674

Report: Portland Rioters Barricaded Federal Agents in Courthouse, Tried to Burn it Down


Portland rioters barricaded federal law enforcement agents inside a federal courthouse as they tried to set the building ablaze amid ongoing violent protests in the Democrat-controlled city, according to a report.


The Washington Examiner reports:


The attack on the Hatfield Federal Courthouse began after 10 p.m. local time after more than 1,000 people gathered downtown. Some became violent. The attackers blocked the entrances to the courthouse, preventing the special DHS forces inside from easily getting out. Some federal officers escaped and tried to repel those vandalizing the outside of the courthouse but were beamed in the eye by lasers, which can cause temporary and long-term blindness.


Other rioters then installed wooden boards on the outside of the courthouse entrance to prevent the rest of the DHS officials from leaving, while others tried to break down the doors.


A federal official wrote in an email obtained by Examiner reporter Anna Giaritelli:


Around midnight rioters attempted to set the courthouse on fire, as they have done numerous times before. They also threw smoke bombs into the flames causing the interior of the courthouse to fill with smoke. In response, a team of federal officers was forced to leave the building, taking one individual into custody. When they did, a rioter threw a bag filled with hard objects at officers.


On Wednesday evening, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) joined demonstrators in the protest area, where he was jeered and hit with tear gas by federal agents. Wheeler, flanked by the police commissioner, said he would attend the protest in solidarity against federal law enforcement. “The reason I am here tonight is to stand with you,” the mayor said, as quoted by The Oregonian. “If they’re launching the tear gas against you, they’re launching the tear gas against me.” While addressing protesters, Wheeler decried President Trump’s crackdown on rioters an “egregious overreaction” and accused him of engaging in “urban warfare.”


This week, Wheeler joined the mayors of Atlanta, Chicago, D.C., Seattle, and Kansas City in calling for the Trump administration to remove federal agents directed to combat ongoing crime. The Portland mayor accused the president of “attacking progressive cities with a classic ‘divide and conquer’ tactics.”


On Wednesday, President Trump announced that he would expand the Justice Department program known as Operation Legend to Chicago as the Democrat-controlled city suffers from a crime wave.


Wednesday’s announcement comes after more than a dozen people were injured in a shooting at a funeral in Chicago on Tuesday night.


Trump on Wednesday said he had “no choice but to get involved” by sending federal officers to the cities.


“This bloodshed must end,” he said. “This bloodshed will end.”


On Tuesday, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot tweeted that she would push back against efforts to send federal officers to the city.