I'd be curious if one of them supports Qanon. Didn't Hannity once wear a Punisher pin?
I'd be curious if one of them supports Qanon. Didn't Hannity once wear a Punisher pin?
Anons why did Potus cancel the RNC in Florida? Didn't he just cave to [DS] by doing it in another format? Like the mask thing. I understand people are getting sick due to covid but was it not part of the plan to hold the RNC in Florida? Does Q know what he's/they are even doing at this point?
If it's a hoax though, why are people getting sick? Unless you mean the numbers are much lower than reported.
So what you said reminds me of a Hydra from Hercules of all things. You cut off one head and 3 grow in its place. Something like that. The swamp runs deep according to Q.
The sandman song? Mr. Sandman bring me a dream etc. etc.?
Agreed. But this has me worried that it will have people not vote for him ex: the people that don't know about Qanon. I hope I'm wrong. I'd love to see a landslide for potus where he wins or rather he wins in general but I just don't know.
Good point.
An anon was telling me how there's a ton of people being quiet about their support for potus but come November he'll win. The only reason potus wouldn't win would be is if they (dems and [DS]) cheat. I hope we're ready for that. (the cheating)
Like silver?
Imagine Tucker getting the first question from the media with the ET's.
At this point is it safe to say there are sleepers on both sides?
It either ends with the dems cheating/Biden or whoever they nominate winning or there's a miracle and potus wins. Atm I'm praying for a miracle.
Is it safe to say Rush is one of us? Always felt like for years that he doesn't want [DS] to win.