Anonymous ID: 0ee1d4 July 24, 2020, 12:38 a.m. No.10062700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Actually, thinking about it a bit more the E-M-RF field - a trinity field could be the color field of quantum dynamics.

Neither the EMRF field nor the Color Field has mass but both motivate and influence mass and both create charge.

A link of the Weak electromagnetic force to the 'strong' in quantum would just break the theory of everything wide open and be able to unify all fields. If the EM-RF fields ARE the Color field - mass-less and charge-less - hmmm?

In that case there is NO strong force…..

Just the GAIN and CANCELATION of the weak electromagnetic force by Field Dynamics and the manifestation of charge and mass. Then up and down and strange and charmed would just be phase shift in multiD that interacts with the field.

voltage leads current by 90 degrees - shift phase in 2D but same phase in 3D? Because the Amplitude of the wave does not actually change just rotates in the Unit Sphere and but appears to change in the Unit circle representation around the unit circle. This is rectified with Lorentz transformations and Relativity which are vector space calculations changing what ever angle within the vector and changing it to 90 degrees (orthogonal).


Basically the Tesla 30 60 90 rule is the right and left hand rule of the Electro-Magnetic-RF spectrum. it is a way to see the 3D aspects of the fields. In motors and generators it is only the electro or magnetic forces that are used - and the 30 60 90 is the interaction of the fields as perceived by us in 3D and how we understand the rotation around the unit circle of the wave pattern around the field .


The reason I included RF is in a motor or generatior the antena is not stationaary but rotational and the force is used to rotate the 'antenna' to drive a dual electromagnetic force and not drive a RF wave.