It is up to you to spread the word.
There is a Deep State plan to kill a small child during
Operation Legend, triggering massive chaos.
Using one federal agent and one gun to bring Trump down.
Be Loud.
What did I tell you about the narrative being fashioned and the plans at hand re: Op Legend?
WHY does that matter?
If the information is public before it happens, does that affect the narrative? Is it harder to lie to people if someone raises a red flag about a false flag?
⭐Common⭐ Scents⭐
· 6h
Replying to @ETheFriend
Portland's going to explode tonight . . .
Just saw the video of young toddlers walking into the protests . . .
Jul 22
I don't like bringing you dour news.
I do it because you have a right to know things, good or bad.
Jul 22
Just because I can relay to you the plans of the enemy does not mean I can change them anymore than you knowing the alphabet lets you change it.
Sometimes, informing people is the best we can do.
Jul 22
Let me clarify why Op. Legend goes south.
Trump is not an army & Trump is not the actions of the troops being deployed.
When I tell you it ends badly, I promise you, it does.
It has nothing to do with Trump.
It has everything to do with one gun being fired at the wrong moment.
Jul 22
People dislike the truth.
They much prefer to have their own thoughts repeated back at them.
This has never swayed me in the slightest.
Jul 22
Listen to me,
Operation Legend ends badly.
It begins with a child,
and it ends with a mob.