Someone give me an example of NSFW, please.
Hello? NSFW = not safe for work? search gives me porn websites. I am trying to understand what I was reading.
nonymous ## Board Owner 04/11/18 (Wed) 22:33:30 f5fb9d No.1006395>>1006410 >>1006453 >>1006459 >>1006470 >>1006482 >>1006506 >>1006540 >>1006606 >>1006697
Attention newfags and autists
Rules 1 and 2 updated
Rule 1: Dox and NSFW posts will be deleted (
What? How do you expect "newfags" to follow the rules if they can not understand and can not get some help? tough crowd here.
I am not your enemy. How do you wake people up with that attitude? I just wanted to know what is NSFW. An example is better.