Explain this Qtards:
> Dozens of members of the Council on Foreign Relations (a globalist think tank) reside in Trump's cabinet, along with elites like Pompeo, Mnuchin, Ross, Kudlow, Lighthizer, Fauci, etc. Mike Pompeo is a hardcore neo-con with longtime support for numerous unconstitutional policies including mass surveillance of Americans. Steve Mnuchin is former Goldman Sachs. Wilber Ross is an agent for the Rothschild banking syndicate. Larry Kudlow is former New York Federal Reserve. Robert Lighthizer is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. And, Fauci is the guy that gave MILLIONS of dollars to the Level 4 lab in Wuhan, China to research none other than coronavirus transmission from bats to other mammals; the same lab that is probably responsible for the initial pandemic outbreak.
> Sometimes giving an enemy a false sense of security by allowing them a minor victory is the best strategy. The globalists strategize for the long term; not just for the next 4 years, but for the next 40 years.
Trump/Q is a con man. You all are falling for lame psyop.