August be blessed!
Thank you, Baker!
Bruno, I suggest you use another name, 'cause the clockwork I see in your tweets and the PDF is just gay!
Maybe you should've followed the clockthread instead of sucking on your banana the whole time.
Can't say about the stadium, but that gay motherfucker throws a ball like the faggot he is.
>Controversy about Fauci throwing more like Maddux or Ryan
hahahaha! How great to know the "freedom of opinion" is being preserved in the MSM.
Sure, but as the fucking loser Fauci is, he didn't even hit the fucking barn door that stood 10 feet wide open.
Poor catcher didn't even make an effort to go for the ball.
>But do you have a flat ass
Nothing to say against a flat ass as long as you're chilena. Kek!