I was digging on the Barbara Bush FBI disclosure. Ended up in strange locations on the interwebz, & I'm going to do my best to explain.
I skimmed through the docs. For the purpose of explaining how I got to where I did, I'm going to focus on pp. 60-61.
"intelligence files reveal a [ redaction ] is currently in the state penitentiary in Trenton, NJ"
[ a prisoner ] in penitentiary? why redact that?
I was thinking along the lines of Barbara Bush being occult, evil, etc. From what is not redacted in these documents we see that someone was making threats to the Bushes. For what, is unclear. Black person. I started thinking Haiti, voodoo, etc. I started looking up some of the codes on the page. for instance, CCSCAKA - relates to kidnapping or assassination attempt of someone (judge).
Further up in the header of the page, I started looking up the different codes.
for instance:
and even
screen shot of results with "RFID For Industrial Use" and the words "NIHON DEMPA KOGYO" intrigued me at this site:
i think it all connects to what is happening today
–→ riots
will show how in next post