Patriot anons,
Meme folder as promised.
There will be a push for Big Pharma memes and Trump Successes that bring prices of medical treatment down for American patients, as a result of Trump signing 3 huge EOs today and the briefing he just gave on bringing down the cost of prescription drugs.
As I see it, over the medium term this will balance the burden of medical costs across other countries that have been freeloading off America for decades Resulting in massive amounts of money remaining in Americans' pockets, which will then tremendously stimulate our economy.
I'm no fan of Big Pharma, but I know many people are dependent on pharma drugs and this is a compassionate move that could have been done by any of the previous administrations. Only Donald Trump had the courage and negotiating skill to do it. Past administrations really did not care. They had no compassion. Their long-term goal was the wealth transfer from America to other countries.
As I see it, DJT is gradually dismantling the pharma cartel. The cartel won't dissipate overnight but each step is a step in the same direction of reducing their power.
* Big Pharma
Pharmaceutical industry prioritizes profit over all else, including our health – BUT PRESIDENT TRUMP IS FIXING THAT WITH TODAY'S 3 EOs
Meme Folder:
Last updated: 24-Jul-2020
Number of Images: 128
Size: 27M
Added 13 "Trump Success" memes related to Trump EOs on the healthcare industry that benefit patients.