Anonymous ID: 654ae9 July 24, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.10068099   🗄️.is 🔗kun



God bless our President.


I'd like to mention Daniel Best. He was a pharma insider tasked with taking on pharmaceutical pricing. He was "suicided" some time ago. Reportedly he had uncovered the potential use of new ID being rolled to out include mandated vaccines for travel. Not to mention his involvement with trying to bring down drug prices!


The meme says he was beaten to death. I remember reading "blunt trauma" or some such from DC police, I think. In any case, when Melania chose the slogan "Be Best" I wondered if it was a tribute to him.

Anonymous ID: 654ae9 July 24, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.10068142   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More on Daniel Best.


Screen cap is from this link.


Medical examiner "ruled" his death a suicide. How is that with multiple blunt injuries? Did he fall?


Story quotes Alex Azar.

Anonymous ID: 654ae9 July 24, 2020, 4:38 p.m. No.10068430   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Actually knew of a family that disagreed with all forms of blood testing as it was "shedding innocent blood". They did not want even newborn heel stick for "genetic disease testing". That family had their newborn confiscated by armed police for "genetic disease testing". Come to find out those little newborn DNA sample cards are retained by the state. For what purpose, I wonder?


The current shot schedule already causes developmental delay, psychiatric disorders, and even, I believe "gender dysphoria". I call it the vaccine pogrom.


Anon just posted piece about Uighurs in China. Same tactics used here just not as obvious. At this point, the child nappers aren't even afraid of broadcasting the fact. Anon posted this story yesterday.

Anonymous ID: 654ae9 July 24, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.10068585   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I don't want anyone to take a vaccine, even my worst enemy.


If you have avoided donning a mask, please describe how. I work for $13.50 per hour in a factory and have no other source of income. Masks "required" for being closer than 6 feet. Will you feed me, house me, provide for me so I don't "have to" wear a mask? I live in a Democrat midwestern "sanctuary" type city. Large immigrant population, mostly brought here, I'm convinced for the low wage work in "sweat shop" type facilities. No one really cares about these folks. Middle and upper middle class think they are doing good, but bringing these folks here from Africa, Asia, Mexico is just "human trafficking" lite. Move folks in to do the work you can't/won't.


In that context, because I caused trouble at PP, because I am unashamedly Christian, because I tell truth on social media, I am "blacklisted" despite several degrees. I took the work I could get. Better than the $10 to cook for a sorority.


So…I wear a mask to go to work. However, I've written my addled City council, the mayor, governor, etc. I've also completely boycotted shopping in this liberal mecca. I don't believe I've made one purchase within the city limits since the "mask ordinance" was enacted.


So…lambaste people if you will. God has my back and knows my heart and struggles.