Anonymous ID: c0d02a July 24, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.10067855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7875

Hey faggots. Wanna give Hollywood a massive aneurism AND practice digtal camoflauge at the same time?


Then take part in a memetic warfare op tommorrow starting at midnight.


Tommorrow is the anniversery of the death of one of the Hollywood pedo ring’s victims: Judith Barsi Meaning that people will be talking more about her this week end.


What to do: Get #JudithBarsi trending on twitter/facebook/instagram for all the reasons Hollywood won’t like by posting memes exposing what Hollywood did to her. In your social media posts, ONLY write #JudithBarsi (your digital camoflague).


Sample memes included.