your inner tard is broken
you seek the shart of walrusjew josh
and we anons want to help
maybe even get your gehy licensed
maybe thats the new jew deal
inner tard latent homo spam bot agrees
getting your inner danielfaggot tard teh legally gehy licensed
is teh only guey to leave mordor
call erluminarti
has teh free trannys
call is free
trust yourself with call
trannys want to reach out to yo tendies
has feels
get a psudoepiphanies from a professional
lots of flase catharis oppurtunities
erhluminarti cares bout yo tranny tendies feels
>Marriage is: one man, one woman
but laws have changed and now hobbits can get teh legally teh gehy licensed in this county
now fayk teh straight
danny trejo believes in you getting over being a dick fiddeler, danny trejo believes in fishes of all gehy