Highly recommended refutation of Karl Marx's exploitation theory, by George Reisman
Given we have seen the 'founder' of BLM (read: Puppet of billionaire communist George Soros) openly declare herself "trained in Marxism", and given we have seen the NYC mayor Bill DeBlasio openly and favorably quote Karl Marx, I thought it is high time someone provide the most devastating criticisms of Marx's 'exploitation theory' here, the single most important site on the internet, so I decided that person should be me. Thankfully my years of studying Marxism will have a payoff for not just me but for everyone who values life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
What I am about to write is not new, but, I can almost certainly guarantee that by the time I am finished summarizing it in the most concise manner that does not sacrifice necessary content, it will be something most readers will have learned for the first time. I don't say this condescendingly, I say this with enthusiasm and giddiness at the fact that for the first time, I have access to a platform where the scale of the readership is worldwide, which means YOU ALL can become not just digital warriors of rapid fire fact-based research that you are, but to be blessed with knowledge that I promise you will blow your mind and allow you to demolish, HONESTLY WITH THE TRUTH ON YOUR SIDE, this ideology of Marx that has persisted since before any of us were born, and to do so ONCE AND FOR ALL.
I will arm you with philosophy, logic, and a deep understanding of what has been given credence only through deception, misunderstanding, and hollow platitutes that have preyed on people's emotions for generations.
There will be no politics here, no 'stats', it will be a purely logical analysis sufficient to completely upend Marx's ENTIRE theory and expose its fundamental error. I am so giddy about this I need to start so let's go:
Marx's fundamental 'criticism' of private ownership of the means of production is this: Capitalism is destined to (and 'should') collapse because the profits acquired by capitalists is 'labor power' unjustly 'extracted' from wage earners. Another way of saying this is that the profits made by capitalists is money that 'should' be going to wage earners, that since 'value' is determined by labor power, profits, which are not earned by labor power, are predatory in nature and must be abolished.
I consciously and intentionally describe Marx's exploitation theory in the above imperfect way to make it understandable to the general reader, in reality Marx explained his 'science' in 'materialist' Hegelian inspired concepts that are 'morality neutral' and 'historical', that communism would happen with the 'inexorability of a law of nature', that the 'revolutionary consciousness' of the proletariat would be the engine that drives society to utopia. I leave it to the interested reader to understand the subtlety and nuance of Marx's writings so as to be able to explain it correctly as Marx wrote it, but for now, I believe the way I described the fundamental core of Marxism will suffice for how I am about to absolutely demolish it from an entirely 'new' direction.
Here it is in one statement:
That one statement represents a total annihilation of Marx's ENTIRE LIFE'S WORK.
Allow me to explain:
Contrary to the notion inherent in Marxism that wages are the primary and original form of income, after which capitalists came along and started to 'extract' money from wages for themselves in the form of profits, the reality is that profits are the primary and original form of income that arose in the world in the very first exchanges, and it was not until the advent of people behaving as capitalists did wages appear for the first time, which REDUCED profit incomes.
"How can that be?" the reader 'trained in Marxism' unintentionally in public school may ask.
All we need to do to understand the truth of the primacy of profits is use plain languags to describe what in fact took place in 'the early rude state of society', before the onset of capitalists appeared for the first time.
What was happening?
People were producing goods and services themselves using their own materials, and they sold those goods for either other goods (barter) or money (typically gold/silver).
The earliest producers of goods directly produced the goods themselves and sold them.