I feel like this post should be getting some attention.
That Gov in MO is done for.
I feel like this post should be getting some attention.
That Gov in MO is done for.
Interesting take Anon. Thank You!!
Great summary. How about children?? They can't enter into contracts can they??
Thank You for the write up.
So is Robert Crowley Alister Crowley's kid??
Either way, nice write up. Thank You.
Yup. Enough of them REALLY are "Anti-Establishment", but the fucking issue is they think TRUMP is not only "the establishment", but the very personification of what they hate.
This is gold times 10. And for people who signed up their kids, when it comes out how children were tracked (and worse) it's going to take what has already become a flash fire in the blue church into an out of control blaze.
What a Timeline.
When did POTUS put these plans into play?? 2001?? 1989?? 1966?? Who might have been working with and for him the whole time??
Plus Ultra??
WOWZERS!! Thank You!!