>Then comes the psychological 'therapy' and the SSRI's and Benzos, etc.
>Tie that in with all the bullshit on TV, etc, etc, etc, etc…
Was this a shitty clown operated version of GATE?
>Then comes the psychological 'therapy' and the SSRI's and Benzos, etc.
>Tie that in with all the bullshit on TV, etc, etc, etc, etc…
Was this a shitty clown operated version of GATE?
>How the hell would I know they learned via MK? I wasn't involved.
That said, the stalking likely starts in childhood.
Tavistock, GATE, etc…
Then comes the psychological 'therapy' and the SSRI's and Benzos, etc.
Tie that in with all the bullshit on TV, etc, etc, etc, etc…
Get it now?
>What are you getting at?
>Those are my posts.
I am sorry. I come to offer my apologies. I take it you didn't get the high speed ritalin vodka redbull party train GATE edition?
>WHY is Trump advertising his move of "missiles are coming" to the Russians?
Trump just tellin PutyPut that he is going to bomb the bejesus out of the assholes who gassed the kids. All the strike forces in Med. are to monitor the situation and to catch the clown perpetrators in the act and tear their assholes wide enough to drop a MOAB in.
>WTF are you on about?
cocaine is a hella drug.
4ch/halfchan gate threads are a trove of information. There is also relevant info dumped in some other threads. What exactly do you want to know?
Are you currently being watched or surveiled. Yea, 99% likeliness. Do you ever ask the Q as to why?
>Are you going to make a point soon?
Nop, not really. Already said way too much man. Just watch the Matrix bro, it has most the info you need
forget about tha batteries though, that was dumbshit.
>More good thoughts & prayers to the carrier & other groups in the Arabian Gulf right now in harm's way. Active ops = not just hostile actions but potential for unintentional accidents, because they are working with seriously dangerous big mechanical shit under duress and tough conditions. No picnic even just existing on anything in a carrier group or on a sub. Love you guys and gals, be careful every minute.
>Love and prayers to Q team and all active operators in every role tonight and every day.
God bless and Amen