Anonymous ID: 58fc92 July 24, 2020, 10:03 p.m. No.10071056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1195
      • – >For Q:


The SCOTUS decision today is one of THE MOST disconcerting SCOTUS decisions to our BASIC freedoms as any SCOTUS decision I've ever seen in decades.

Religious freedom is ABSOLUTE.

There are ZERO caveats to our Religious freedom.

There are ZERO exceptions to our Religious freedoms.

And yet, today's decision is frightening.


I'm going to say this to you Q, please take head:


If I have to be the one to defend the constitution and our basics, our very basic freedoms by taking up arms against our tyrannical government that we have today, I will do it.

I am prepared to defend my country, TODAY.

I am not yet going to take any action, but I am ready to go at a moment's notice when the appropriate times come.

I am ready and willing to defend the Republic without help, and most assuredly take up arms with the idea that I will be the catalyst to spur on all Patriots who know as I do that it will be time to defend our country against any and all enemies foriegn or DOMESTIC.

I love my family, I love my friends and the idea that I have made my decision to take up arms to defend our Republic would mean that I would have to be all in, 100% or nothing.

I am willing to give up a lot to make sure we don't lose everything.

Can you imagine?

I could face death, imprisonment, my entire way of life that I am living right now will be forever changed.

I've thought about everything, all of it.

And so, after thinking this clearly through, I'm ready to take up arms against this domestic enemy.

I'll tell you this, Q, so you'll know that "average Joe Public" people like me…I'm not militarily trained, I've never served in law enforcement, but people like me are willing to give up our lives, our current "comfy" way of life to defeat the enemy from within.

{THEY} can't be allowed to win.


Q, I share this to you to so you' will have been officially notified of what may come from me personally.

At some point, should you, Q, and Trump fail, then we must all take up arms and take the fight directly to all domestic enemies?

Twitter, Facebook, Google, memes, etc., will be useless weapons against our domestic enemy.

Q, with all due respect to you, I don't need your permission to be the first to act, nor do I need anyone to go with me and be the first to take up arms against the domestic enemy.

Q, I know that you know EXACTLY what's on the line (The loss of our country FOREVER).

But I don't think you (Q) know how serious, We THe People, take the possibility of losing our country forever.

Today, the mayor of Chicago blamed guns, republicans, and Trump for not making "responsible" gun control laws for the Chicago's massive crime wave and soaring murder statistics in Chicago, which is insane to hear this woman (mayor) make such nutty accusations that it's not her fault.

Mayors of Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia, and other Democratically-controlled cites blame republicans, law enforcement, FED Law Enforcement, and of course, Trump.

BLM (Black Lives Matter) gets heroic status by the Fake-News along with being allowed to spread their lies of blacks being killed by police at far higher rates than other groups of people (not true) and now "Black Lives Matter" is painted on the courts of all NBA games soon to be played and now MLB (Pro baseball) players are all taking a knee while the anthem is played.

Yeah, I get it, #FakeNews and all that is going on are to continue every nasty political leftist trick to take out Trump and regain power their (Liberals) power inside the White House.

The chaos is going to get worse for the entire 100+ days up until November 3, 2020, election day.

But here is my last straw, the stripping of my religious rights.

SCOTUS makes the Nevada decision against THE FREEDOM of Religion and the freedom to practice religion.

And now, SCOTUS has taken a HUGE bite out of our religious freedom and done so with a 5-4 Conservative majority.

Really, is this true?

Truth be known, conservatives DO NOT have the SCOTUS majority.

John Roberts is OBVIOUSLY compromised.

Roberts has now sided with liberal ideals TWICE in the last 30 to 45 days in two very crucial decisions for our constitutional freedoms.

I honestly hope and pray that you and Trump will win, I most certainly believe Trump will win, but the radical liberal leftists are evil bastards and I know for a fact that we as a country have not seen {THEIR) worst yet.

With that said, the time is near for us to take the fight directly to the enemy.

And if so…

I'll go first.


The article below is for everyone's info gathering, and you may go to the link for the full article.