I saw a documentary on this. Of course, it tries to play BG off as the good guy, but the company and reactor were a part of it. It was on Obammaflix
I theorize they are airing this garbage while traveling on waters…easy enough to simply push a container over the side should someone come sniffing around…
What if that is exactly what they do? Do a show after leaving port, get rid of evidence before arrival? Sounds like sick demented DS thinking to me.
Laws are a bit different in the water. Makes 'watch the water' stand right the fuck out.
Process is understood. I was implying that had the 'Encrochat' encrypted comms not been intercepted, it was bound for water most likely. You upped my point with the fact they fall off all the time and no one bats an eye.
Keep at it though…you seem quite focused and determined.
the containers in the photos on sourced articles were blurred and/or painted over from what I saw.
Sorry anon, I read more articles on it…you are correct…was land based. I'll go sit in the corner now. But, my theory was inspired by that and perhaps worth a look in regards to ships that travel over the deepest parts of the water from port to port. I wouldn't put it past them.
I have kept an eye on these things….I am curious as to why they resort to crudeness when they are obviously using vehicles to block traffic. I don't think they are really trying to get in tbh. Chain and a car or truck….done…
What gives? Why the show?