Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.10074747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5255

‘Black people can’t be racist’: UK rapper Wiley accused of anti-Semitism after branding Jews ‘the real enemy’ & comparing to KKK


British rapper Wiley has been accused of anti-Semitism after a lengthy series of Twitter posts in which he likened Jews to the Ku Klux Klan, declared them “the real enemy,” and “the ones who rob us blind.”


The hours-long stream of tweets on Friday kick-started with the grime artist posting that Jewish people and the Ku Klux Klan were the two groups “who nobody has really wanted to challenge.”


My ex manager was South Africa/ Jewish and I promise you he taught me so much about how this all works I was shocked.

— Wiley (@WileyCEO) July 24, 2020


The Real Enemy…The ones who rob us blind.

— Wiley (@WileyCEO) July 24, 2020


The rapper, however, was just getting started with what he described as a “Black History Lesson,” and proceeded to claim that “Jewish people are the law.”


“The Star of David, that’s our thing,” he tweeted at one point. Wiley also shared a photograph of a page titled ‘At the height of American slavery, 78% of slave owners were ethnic Jews’ with a table purportedly listing “Jewish slave ship owners,” on both Twitter and Instagram.


At some points, his outburst took a different tack, suggesting that the Covid-19 pandemic is a manufactured distraction and a “lie,” and complaining of an “Arab control presence around Africa.”


“I know the set up Europeans and Arabs have got Africa in a headlock,” he wrote.


While his tweets were readily received by some Twitter users, they were largely criticized as “shameless hate” toward Jews.


Astounding to see such shameless hate directed at Jewish people.

— Daniel Laufer (@lauferdaniel) July 24, 2020


Why are you peddling such hatred? What does you or anyone gain from that?

— Nicola Keaney (@NicKeaney) July 24, 2020


You’ve literally spent hours spewing anti Jewish racism, are you ok?

— Jessica “מלכּה” Morgan™🇯🇲 (@jnoahmorgan) July 24, 2020


The charity Campaign Against Anti-Semitism said it had filed a police complaint over Wiley’s posts for “incitement to racial hatred.” They also called on social media platforms to “urgenty” take action over his comments and said the artist should be stripped of his MBE – presented to him by Britain’s Prince William two years ago.


Look I told ya look at what they are like imagine a black person called the police 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Jewish are cowards

— Wiley (@WileyCEO) July 24, 2020


Wiley seems to have been referring to the theory of Black Hebrew Israelites, people of African heritage who claim to be the true descendants of the ancient Israeli tribes. The stance has been accused of anti-Semitism and black supremacy.


As the backlash to his posts began pouring in, Wiley responded to the multitude of anti-Semitism and racism accusations levied at him. “I am not racist,” he insisted, adding, “black people can’t be racist.” He later dismissed the criticism as “nothing but a culture shock.”

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.10074753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992 >>5200 >>5432

Christian Charity Loses Access to Banking After LGBT Activists Campaign


Barclays bank has reportedly informed a Christian charity in Northern Ireland that it will have its banking facilities revoked following an online pressure campaign mounted by LGBT activists, who claimed that the organisation engaged in so-called gay “conversion therapy”.


The Christian charity, Core Issues Trust (CIT), said that Barclays informed them that their bank account will be terminated by September. CIT claimed that the move came after pressure from an LGBT social media campaign that targetted the group for allegedly practising “conversion therapy”.


The charity also said that they were removed from Facebook, as well as from Paypal, who “terminated its CIT accounts without warning and with no explanation, restricting the ability of supporters to make donations”.


The CEO of CIT, Mike Davidson told regional newspaper The Belfast News Letter: “If a social media mob can cause a bank to close the account of a Christian ministry, then there is nowhere for Biblically faithful Christian ministries to go.


“The UK is now becoming an intensely intolerant country,” Davidson warned.


Andrea Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said: “If it is Core Issues Trust first, it will be churches next… This kind of demonisation and refusing of services to a Christian ministry is reminiscent of how Jewish businesses were treated under Nazi rule.”


The move to refuse banking services may have breached Section 28 of The Fair Employment and Treatment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998, the newspaper claimed, which prohibits banks from discriminating in the services they provide.


In response, Barclays said: “We do not comment on individual cases. Our terms and conditions – like other banks – allow us to end a relationship with any customer, provided we give two months’ notice.”


Good morning @trussliz . Will you condemn the harassment campaign of @CoreTrust Mike Davidson? Their bank account has been shut down by @Barclays and they have been threatened with messages hoping family members are raped and killed.


— Christian Concern (@CConcern) July 25, 2020


Core Issues Trust said that the organisation’s purpose is to challenge “gender confusion; upholding science and conscience”.


The group says that they attempt to help people who “wish to move away from… gender dysphoria” (gender dysphoria being an NHS-recognised condition where somebody feels discomfort because they believe they belong to a different gender – like a man who says he feels like a woman).”


The Christian charity says that it engages in “one-to-one support for individuals voluntarily seeking to leave homosexual behaviours and feelings” which some characterise as a form of “conversion therapy”.


The CEO of the charity, Mike Davidson, rejected that terminology, telling the lobby group Christian Concern: “This is a pejorative, imposed term, coined by an American gay activist, Dr Douglas Haldeman in 1991, that names some extremes such as electro-shock and aversion techniques only ever conducted by medics, long since abandoned from the 60s, or extreme behaviours already outlawed such as ‘corrective’ rape for which there are no prosecutions in the UK.”

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.10074759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4780 >>4898 >>4992 >>5200 >>5432

Corporate giants Amazon, Apple, Google and Walmart all donating millions to domestic terrorism organization Black Lives Matter


First, they offered laud and praise for the “bravery” of “protesters” who are trying to eliminate “systemic racism” from society. Now, Big Tech and Big Business are throwing wads of cash at Black Lives Matter (BLM) in an attempt to “right the wrongs” that the Left says need immediate fixing.


According to reports, a whole slew of corporate names ranging from Apple and Amazon to Google and Walmart have signed on to the BLM cause, offering massive multi-million-dollar cash donations in a show of “solidarity” with the far-left effort to stamp out “white supremacy.”


Other big names that have joined on with the effort include Viacom, Netflix, Warner Bros., Hulu, HBO, the NFL, the NBA, Facebook, Microsoft, Target, Home Depot, the Gap, Levi’s, Warby Parker, Nike, Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, UnitedHealth Group, and Peloton, among others.


While not all of these companies have yet pledged large cash donations to groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, as well as BLM itself, many of them have, with more being pressured to do so every single day.


Part of the plan is to use all this cash to “abolish” the police, which the far-left says will lead to a more “equitable” society. There is also a push to get people to stop calling the police for help during a criminal situation, which to some is now considered an act of “racism.”


“These corporations have tremendous presence in black communities and are in close proximity to the riots,” writes Grant Baker for American Thinker about why many of these companies are capitulating to the demands of BLM. “Their exposure is not limited to physical assets that might be looted or damaged; brands themselves may suffer reputational damage.”

BLM is about destroying normal Western society and replacing it with “a queer-affirming network”


Baker points to the recent burning down of the Atlanta Wendy’s restaurant as a case-in-point. After a drunk driver who happened to have black skin decided to point a stolen taser at a police officer before being shot dead, angry BLM and Antifa terrorists retaliated by burning down the Wendy’s, which had absolutely nothing to do with the situation.


“Wendy’s, its logo in the frame of every photo of the incident, loudly announced a $500,000 donation to social justice causes and affirmed its support for the BLM movement,” Baker notes about how these corporate giants all tend to respond when placed into the spotlight.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.10074769   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4791 >>4869 >>4886 >>4992 >>5200 >>5432

Dr. Fauci: ‘We Don’t Know’ How Less Likely People Are to Transmit Coronavirus When Wearing a Mask


Dr. Anthony Fauci, of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, suggested in an interview with MarketWatch on Friday that young people are “becoming part of the problem” in the outbreak of the Chinese coronavirus and admitted that experts “don’t know exactly” to what extent people are less likely to transmit the coronavirus when they are wearing a mask.


“You don’t realize, probably innocently, that you are inadvertently propagating the outbreak. You are becoming part of the problem because, even if you get infected without any symptoms, it is likely that you are going to infect someone else,” Fauci said of young people, contending that it is their “duty and your civic responsibility” to follow the rules.


He continued:


Sooner or later, a vulnerable person gets infected and gets seriously ill. You should realize that it is your duty and your civic responsibility: You could be hurting someone else. That’s a tough message to get because some young people feel completely invulnerable.


The White House Coronavirus Task Force member also talked about the importance of wearing a mask and social distancing, although when asked for an estimate of “how less likely people are to transmit coronavirus if they’re wearing a mask,” he could not provide a definitive answer.


“We don’t know exactly. There have been a number of meta analyses. One published in The Lancet on June 1, 2020 said masks and respirators reduced the risk of infection by anywhere from 78 percent to 85 percent,” he said.


“Your guess is as good as any: 50 percent to 75 percent or 80 percent is probably correct,” he added.


Dr. Robert R. Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said this month that universal masking for one to two months could get the Chinese coronavirus “under control,” despite a widespread lack of consensus on the matter.


As Breitbart News reported:


However, other studies emphasize the lack of a consensus on the matter. The New England Journal of Medicine, in a May study titled “Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era,” stated, “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection.”




The study suggested, more than once, that universal masking policies may provide more of a psychological benefit than a practical one.


“There may be additional benefits to broad masking policies that extend beyond their technical contribution to reducing pathogen transmission,” the Journal stated.


“Masks are visible reminders of an otherwise invisible yet widely prevalent pathogen and may remind people of the importance of social distancing and other infection-control measures,” it continued, stating that masks serve as “symbolic roles.” It also referred to them as “talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals” and stated that “such reactions may not be strictly logical.”

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.10074779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992 >>5200 >>5432

Goldman Sachs will pay Malaysia $3.9bn over its role in 1MDB investment scam that helped fund Wolf of Wall Street


Goldman Sachs will pay Malaysia $3.9bn over its role in 1MDB investment scam that helped fund Wolf of Wall Street


Malaysia has reached a $3.9 billion settlement with Goldman Sachs over the Wall Street titan's role in the 1MDB scandal in exchange for the country ending all criminal proceedings against the bank.


Billions of dollars were looted from sovereign wealth fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad in a fraud that allegedly involved former prime minister Najib Razak and his associates.

The cash plundered from state coffers bankrolled a global spending spree, and was spent on everything from artwork, to real estate and a super-yacht.


Goldman's role came under scrutiny over bond issues totalling $6.5 billion it helped arrange for the investment vehicle, with Malaysia claiming large amounts were misappropriated during the process.


Najib lost power in 2018 amid public anger at the scandal, and a new government charged Goldman and a string of former and current employees over the fraud, as well as demanding hefty compensation.


Malaysia and Goldman had been locked in long-running talks, and the country's finance ministry announced a breakthrough had finally been achieved.


The settlement comprises a cash payment of $2.5 billion to Malaysia and a guarantee that at least $1.4 billion in assets acquired with misappropriated funds would be recovered, it said.


'This settlement represents assets that rightfully belong to the Malaysian people,' Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz said.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.10074793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4806 >>4817 >>4839 >>4848 >>4873 >>4896 >>4937 >>4983 >>4992 >>5200 >>5355 >>5432

Alec Baldwin: ‘Trump’s Presidency Must Die So That We Can Live’


Actor Alec Baldwin has made the outlandish claim that Americans must vote President Donald Trump out of office if they want to live, in an apparent reference to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.


The Hunt for Red October star tweeted Friday that “Trump’s presidency must die so that we can live.”


Alec Baldwin has made a series of strange and unverifiable claims about President Trump in recent weeks. Last week, the actor pushed a wild conspiracy theory that the president could use armed force to stop the election in November, citing the recent decision to send federal agents to quell the rioting in Portland.


In May, Baldwin declared that President Trump “has a degenerative mental illness that is costing 1000’s of lives.” He also claimed that Trump supporters who vote to re-elect the president November are “mentally ill.”


The 30 Rock star has stated that he supports Joe Biden’s bid for the White House. But in February, Baldwin slammed Biden, saying that he “is struggling, after 8 yrs as VP to articulate his vision.”


Baldwin also implied that Biden is experiencing cognitive decline. “Some Dem candidates have campaign finance issues, sexual harassment issues, credibility issues, cognitive issues, budget balancing issues,” the actor tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:50 a.m. No.10074797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992 >>5200 >>5432

Dr Fauci says he, his wife and his daughters have received 'serious threats' that have required them to be assigned personal security


Dr Anthony Fauci has revealed he and his family have been assigned personal security after receiving 'serious threats.'


The nation's top infectious disease expert told CNN that he, his wife and his three daughters have been targets of hate mail and scary warnings since the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.


Fauci, who is also on the White House coronavirus task force, said many of the threats are from Americans who believe he is pushing an personal agenda.


'I've seen a side of society that I guess is understandable, but it's a little bit disturbing,' he told David Axelrod on The Axe Files podcast.


Fauci said this is not the first time he's been threatened and said it also occurred during the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the 1980s and 1990s.

'Back in the days of HIV when I was being criticized with some hate mail, it was, you know, people calling me a gay-lover and "What the hell are you wasting a lot of time on that?"' he said.

'I mean, things that you would just push aside as stupid people saying stupid things,'

However, Fauci said there are differences in the threats he received back then and the ones presently.

'As much as people inappropriately, I think, make me somewhat of a hero…there are people who get really angry at thinking I'm interfering with their life because I'm pushing a public-health agenda,' he said.


'[This has led to] not only hate mail but serious threats against me, against my family…my daughters, my wife - I mean, really? Is this the United States of America?'


Fauci added: 'We are all trying to open up American again in a way that is safe, that we can do it in a measured fashion. But the hostility against public health issues is difficult to not only understand but difficult to even process.'


In recent weeks, Fauci has become vocal about his fears in opening schools and businesses before the virus is under control.


Earlier this month, the White House distributed a list of errors they claim Fauci made at the start of the pandemic.

One unnamed person told CNN that 'several White House officials' were 'concerned about the number of times Dr Fauci has been wrong on things.'

Last week, top trader adviser Peter Navarro broke protocol and published an op-ed in USA TODAY describing Fauci as 'wrong about everything.'


Dan Scavino, the White House deputy chief of staff for communications, shared a political cartoon portraying Fauci as a leaky faucet.

Even President Donald Trump told Fox News in an interview with Chris Wallace, which aired on Sunday, that Fauci is a 'little bit of an alarmist.'

'It's disconcerting when you see people are not listening,' he told The New York Times in reference to people changing their behaviors to combat the spread of COVID-19.


'I could show you some of the emails and texts I get - everybody seems to have my cellphone number - that are pretty hostile about what I'm doing, as if I'm encroaching upon their individual liberties.'


In the US, there are currently more than four million confirmed cases of the virus and more than 144,000 deaths.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:50 a.m. No.10074800   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4841 >>4870 >>4992 >>5127 >>5200 >>5432

California Churches Defy Gavin Newsom’s Lockdown Order: Christ Is Head of the Church


Two churches in California are defying Gov. Gavin Newsom’s orders to keep their doors closed because of the coronavirus, including Grace Community Church in a Los Angeles suburb, where Pastor John MacArthur posted a letter on Friday titled, “Christ, Not Caesar, Is Head of the Church.”


MacArthur laid out his “biblical case for the church’s duty to remain open.” The letter reads, in part:


Christ is Lord of all. He is the one true head of the church (Ephesians 1:22; 5:23; Colossians 1:18). He is also King of kings—sovereign over every earthly authority (1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16). Grace Community Church has always stood immovably on those biblical principles. As His people, we are subject to His will and commands as revealed in Scripture. Therefore we cannot and will not acquiesce to a government-imposed moratorium on our weekly congregational worship or other regular corporate gatherings. Compliance would be disobedience to our Lord’s clear commands.


Some will think such a firm statement is inexorably in conflict with the command to be subject to governing authorities laid out in Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2. Scripture does mandate careful, conscientious obedience to all governing authority, including kings, governors, employers, and their agents (in Peter’s words, “not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable” [1 Peter 2:18]). Insofar as government authorities do not attempt to assert ecclesiastical authority or issue orders that forbid our obedience to God’s law, their authority is to be obeyed whether we agree with their rulings or not. In other words, Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 still bind the consciences of individual Christians. We are to obey our civil authorities as powers that God Himself has ordained.


When any government official issues orders regulating worship (such as bans on singing, caps on attendance, or prohibitions against gatherings and services), he steps outside the legitimate bounds of his God-ordained authority as a civic official and arrogates to himself authority that God expressly grants only to the Lord Jesus Christ as sovereign over His Kingdom, which is the church. His rule is mediated to local churches through those pastors and elders who teach His Word (Matthew 16:18–19; 2 Timothy 3:16–4:2).


Therefore, in response to the recent state order requiring churches in California to limit or suspend all meetings indefinitely, we, the pastors and elders of Grace Community Church, respectfully inform our civic leaders that they have exceeded their legitimate jurisdiction, and faithfulness to Christ prohibits us from observing the restrictions they want to impose on our corporate worship services.


The letter said the church does not need the state’s permission to hold church services and urged other congregations to follow suit.


“Our prayer is that every faithful congregation will stand with us in obedience to our Lord as Christians have done through the centuries,” the letter concluded.


McCarthy’s letter comes weeks after Calvary Church Chino Hills, also a Southern California congregation, opened its door for service on May 31, Pentecost Sunday — the holy day that celebrates the anointing of the church by the Holy Spirit 50 days after Christ’s resurrection.


“The church transcends the governments of this world and the politics of this world because the church is a living, breathing, divine institution,” Pastor Jack Hibbs said in a video addressing other pastors about the lockdown and announcing the decision to reopen the church.


“We want to be safe. We want to be wise. We want to be sensitive to the weakest among us,” Hibbs said.


“Are we going to open our doors? Are we going to preach the Gospel?” Hibbs stated.


Hibbs said his prayer is that a “revival might break forth across this land” because California churches opened their doors.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.10074833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992 >>5032 >>5200 >>5432

Conservatives blast Supreme Court ruling: Roberts 'abandoned his oath'



Conservative lawmakers blasted Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts after he sided with the court's liberal wing in a 5-4 decision Friday that rejected a Nevada church’s request to block the state government from enforcing a cap on attendance at religious services.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tweeted early Saturday morning that Roberts had "abandoned his oath."


John Roberts has abandoned his oath.


But, on the upside, maybe Nevada churches should set up craps tables? Then they could open?

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) July 25, 2020


"What happened to that judge?" tweeted Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.).


"Freedom of religion is our first freedom. Yet SCOTUS has ruled that casinos can host hundreds of gamblers, while churches cannot welcome their full congregations. Justice Roberts once again got it wrong, shamefully closing church doors to their flocks," Cotton added in a statement.


John Roberts at his hearing: “If the Constitution says that the little guy should win, the little guy’s going to win in court before me.”


What happened to that judge?


He didn't mention his belief that casinos have more rights than churches.

— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) July 25, 2020


The decision strikes down a suit from Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley, which argued that it was being treated unfairly compared with other businesses in the state. While places of worship in Nevada have a hard 50-person limit amid the coronavirus pandemic, businesses such as casinos and restaurants can operate at half of their fire-code capacities. This discrepancy was a violation of the First Amendment, the church asserted in the suit.


Defending its imposed restrictions, Nevada stated that its regulations didn't target places of worship unfairly, saying that other large gatherings — such as concerts and movie showings — were treated “the same as or worse than houses of worship.”


The complaint made its way to the highest court in the land after being rejected by a district court and a circuit court.


Three of the conservative justices wrote dissenting opinions on the emergency order.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.10074840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4847 >>4992 >>5007 >>5200 >>5432

Vaccination against COVID-19 to be optional in Russia


Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said people show huge interest in the vaccine


MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/. Vaccination against the novel coronavirus will be optional in Russia, but people show huge interest in the vaccine, Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said in a televised interview on Rossiya’1 channel on Saturday.


"The vaccination will be optional, but we can see that the interest is very high among the population," he said.


As many as 3,100 patients are being treated in intensive care units (ICU) for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, Russian Health Minister said.


"A total of 3,100 patients are in intensive care units today," he said.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.10074950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5042

Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon Hearing Over Anti-Trust Laws To Begin Wednesday


The CEOs of four of the world's most prominent tech corporations — Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google — will convene Wednesday on Washington in a congressional hearing focused on various antitrust issues. The hearing was originally scheduled for Monday but the House confirmed Saturday that the hearing would be pushed two days.


The House Judiciary Committee will hear from Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Apple's Tim Cook, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Google's Sundar Pichai. The four companies have a combined market cap of about $4.7 trillion.


The antitrust subcommittee is investigating Amazon's treatment of third-party sellers, Apple's App Store policies, Facebook’s social media power after the purchase of WhatsApp and Instagram, as well as Google’s ad-market share. Results from the committee's investigation are expected to be released by early fall.


The companies have faced criticism for other reasons aside from possibly stifling competitions. Facebook has come under fire for its handling of misinformation and hate speech, while Amazon was scrutinized for warehouse-worker safety during the pandemic.


Facebook on Friday agreed to pay a $650 million settlement stemming from a lawsuit surrounding its facial recognition technology and alleged privacy violations.


The CEOs will testify on a four-person panel and it will be the first time Bezos testifies before Congress.


There has been pressure on the federal government to crack down on powerful companies in the digital age. In February, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law Chairman David Cicilline, D-R.I., publicly denounced the New York District Court approval of the merger of Sprint and T-Mobile.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.10074966   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992 >>5200 >>5432

USPS Fails Mail-In Ballot Test



CBS News decided to test the system upon which the government will entrust the sanctity of the ballot this November. And the U.S. Postal Service flubbed it.


This is not about gaming the system, or voter fraud, or stuffing the mail with fake ballots from illegal aliens. This is about the competency of the USPS to deliver official ballots sent through the mail on time, and to the right people. They proved that the 100 million or more Americans who plan to mail in their ballots should not expect their vote to be counted unless they mail it weeks prior to the election deadlines in each state.


And even then there’s no guarantee it will be processed and counted.


The parameters of the test were simple and straightforward. CBS mailed 100 ballots to locations across Philadelphia in an experiment to see how long it took the ballots to arrive. A post office box was set up to receive the returned ballots.


A few days later, another 100 ballots were mailed to another 100 locations in the city. The results should frighten Democrats who claim they are all about “every vote being counted.”


A week after initial ballots were sent, most ballots appeared to be missing from the P.O. box.


“I don’t see anything back there for you,” a postal worker told Dokoupil when he received the mail. “That’s all I have back there right now.”


After asking for a manager and explaining the situation to them, the votes were found.


“They had them somewhere else,” the postal worker said.


Ho-hum, well, no one is perfect. That’s the point, isn’t it?


The mysterious problems at the local post office also included missorted mail.


“We got a birthday card from Mike to Ronnie,” Dokoupil said, as he read a postcard mistakenly placed in “CBS This Morning’s” P.O. box. “Have a sweet b-day. Get it? There’s a bee on top.”


The postcard, along with another piece of missorted mail, was then sent to the correct recipient.


In the end, the tally of late, misdirected, and missorted mail should concern anyone interested in the integrity of our elections.


Out of the initial batch mailed a week earlier, 97 out of 100 votes had arrived. Three simulated persons, or 3% of voters, were effectively disenfranchised by mail by giving their ballots a week to arrive. In a close election, 3% could be pivotal.


Four days after mailing the second batch of mock ballots, 21% of the votes hadn’t arrived.


According to Postal Service recommendations, “voters should mail their return ballots at least one week prior to the due date.”


However, nearly half of all states still allow voters to request ballots less than a week before the election.


Democrats who are pushing this notion that a mail-in election won’t be any different from an in-person election should listen to the voters who are far more grounded in reality.


“I’m scared that it might get lost in the mail,” potential voter Kim Tucker said. “I just want to make sure that my vote is submitted, like, I see that it’s submitted, that it actually counts.”


The November election is shaping up to be the mother of all clusterfarks. At every level — federal, state, and local — election officials are sounding the alarm. The system was not built to handle 120 million mailed ballots. Processing and protecting those ballots is beyond the abilities of almost every state.


The concern is not only over the integrity of the ballot. The avalanche of legal challenges to the results will almost certainly run for years and may even delay state and local legislatures from sitting.


Democrats will bring all of this on themselves. It’s a shame that the rest of us are going to suffer for their stupidity.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.10074970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4992 >>5200 >>5432

Judge: Feds in Portland Don't Have to Identify Themselves When Arresting Suspects



A federal judge in Oregon has ruled that federal agents sent to Portland to protect government buildings and monuments do not have to identify themselves when making an arrest. The Oregon attorney general had sued the government, demanding that limits be placed on the arrest and detention of suspects.


But U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman found that state Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum “lacked standing” to bring the lawsuit in the first place and had failed to articulate any state interest beyond protecting the constitutional rights of individuals.


The suit was one of several pending legal actions against the Trump administration that allege violations of rioters’ constitutional rights. In another related legal action, a judge ruled in favor of journalists and legal observers who claim police were barring them from doing their jobs.




Mosman’s ruling came one day after another federal judge in Portland, US District Judge Michael Simon, granted an order restricting the activities of federal officers. Simon entered a temporary restraining order on Thursday that bars federal officers from arresting or using force specifically against journalists and legal observers at demonstrations unless there is probable cause that they committed a crime. Simon also ruled that clearly marked journalists and legal observers did not have to follow dispersal orders, writing that journalists are present to report on whether authorities are acting within the law.


“Without journalists and legal observers, there is only the government’s side of the story to explain why a ‘riot’ was declared and the public streets were ‘closed’ and whether law enforcement acted properly in effectuating that order,” Simon wrote.


But the ruling in support of federal law enforcement in the city recognizes the reality that the authorities in Oregon appear to be ignoring: not all of the protesters are “peaceful.” And if individual protesters feel their rights were violated, it is they who should sue, not the Oregon AG.


In his order on Friday, the judge repeatedly described the case as “unusual,” writing that typically in cases involving allegations of constitutional violations during protests, the people affected would be the ones to file a lawsuit, not a state. Rosenblum’s office was also seeking a future-looking injunction, which set an “unusually high bar” for the attorney general’s office to clear, he wrote.


To sue on behalf of citizens — a legal doctrine known as “parens patriae” — Oregon had to show that it had an interest that was separate from private individuals, and that a “quasi-sovereign interest” had been violated. Mosman wrote that the state offered mostly “purely hypothetical” arguments about the risks facing Oregonians by federal officers failing to identify themselves during arrests, such as the possibility of counterprotesters pretending to be federal officers to kidnap protesters.


Why are we not surprised that the Oregon AG gave some hysterical, paranoid scenario where fascist “counterprotesters” would “kidnap” innocent rioters?


Federal officers did not wear name badges because they want to go home to the wives and families at night and making it easy for people who are burning federal office buildings to discover the names of federal officers is an obvious danger.


For similar reasons, federal agents travel in unmarked SUVs. How many police cars have been torched in Portland in the last two months? The bottom line is that federal agents have a right to be as safe as the government can make them. Wild, paranoid talk of “plainclothes” unidentified agents dragging “peaceful” protesters off the street and throwing them into unmarked vehicles where they’re never seen again is the stuff of left-wing nightmares, not the reality of what transpired.


But Portland leftists don’t do reality. Lying, exaggerating, and ignoring the facts — anything that advances the narrative — is far better.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.10074994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5200 >>5432

Dead White Helmets Co-Founder Le Mesurier Was Stealing Funds Provided By Sponsors


The founder of the White Helmets “rescue organization” (in fact pro-Al-Qeda propaganda organization) – James Le Mesurier – was stealing money of donors of the organization.


After the death of the White Helmets founder, mainstream media outlets were widely speculating that ne was killed by Russians. Nonetheless, it may happend that he was just killed by the sponsors of the organization itself, which for sure include persons presenting interests of Western intellignece agencies.


The text below is based on the overview released by the Dutch newspapare “Volkskrant”:


James Le Mesurier was found dead in Istanbul on November 11th, 2019. Le Mesurier, a former intelligence operative, is internationally renowned for his work in Syria. He trained the White Helmets in how to carry out “rescue operations.”


Just four days earlier, on November 7th, he had an appointment at the Novotel Bosphorus in Istanbul.


In the hotel lobby, the 48-year-old Mesurier met his accountant, a Dutchman.


Le Mesurier trains and supports the White Helmets through a Dutch foundation: Mayday Rescue. He received millions in subsidies from European governments, Canada and Qatar in the accounts of Mayday in Amsterdam.


An accountant with knowledge of Dutch law has therefore flown in to examine the finances of the foundation.


The accountant has been working all week at the Mayday office in Istanbul.


And the account was there to ask one question: Where have $50,000 gone, the same ones that Le Mesurier had withdrawn more than 1 year earlier?


It all started with Operation Flying Carpet. That is the name of a daring international evacuation from a war zone in Syria. Everything James Le Mesurier excels at comes together in it: military planning, top-level diplomatic negotiations and finally a cold-blooded performance in the middle of the night on a normally hermetically closed border in the Arab world.


In Operation Flying Carpet, on July 21st, 2018, nearly a hundred White Helmets and their relatives were evacuated from Syria overnight, past the advancing troops of the Syrian government against ISIS, across the Golan Heights to evacuation points Tom, Dick and Harry – named after the tunnels in the true escape movie The Great Escape.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.10075005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Weaving Impunity for Dictatorship Crimes in Chile



In 1968, the U.S. backed a covert intelligence surveillance campaign in which Latin American right-wing governments conspired to annihilate socialist and communist influence in the region. The plan, known as Operation Condor, was formally implemented in 1975, two years after dictator Augusto Pinochet took power in Chile through a military coup supported by the U.S. Up to 80,000 left wing opponents are estimated to have been killed; 30,000 of them disappeared by right-wing governments in Latin America by 1989, when Operation Condor was officially terminated. Over 400,000 people were detained as political prisoners.


This month marks 44 years since the kidnapping and murder of Spanish-Chilean diplomat Carmelo Soria; also a victim of Operation Condor. Soria, who worked as a UN civil servant and became advisor to the Unidad Popular between 1971 and 1973 when Chile was ruled by socialist President Salvador Allende, became a target for Chile’s National Intelligence Directorate (DINA) during the Pinochet dictatorship. Through his diplomatic immunity as a UN official, Soria aided individuals to seek refuge in embassies until plans for exile could be made.


Soria was kidnapped by DINA agents pertaining to the Brigada Mulchen under the command of Captain Guillermo Salinas at the time, on July 14, tortured at Via Naranja and Villa Grimaldi, and murdered. His body was discovered in Santiago de Chile, dumped in a car that was pushed into a ditch, to cover up the murder as an apparent drunk driving accident.


Little is known about Brigada Mulchen – a secret operatives network with direct links to DINA’s chief Manuel Contreras. The agents comprising Brigada Mulchen have been described by Chilean researcher and author Javier Rebolledo as being part of Pinochet’s inner circle. Michael Townley, a CIA and DINA agent who was tasked with the production and experimentation of sarin gas, together with the biochemist Eugenio Berrios, was involved in Soria’s murder. Townley, who is under the Witness Protection Program in the U.S., was one of the agents requested for extradition by Chile’s Supreme Court for involvement in Soria’s murder. Soria’s remains were exhumed and identified in 2002 by Chile’s Servicio Medico Legal (SML). In 2015, 15 former DINA agents were indicted for Soria’s murder.


In 2019, 43 years after the murder, Chile’s Supreme Court sentenced Pedro Espinoza Bravo, Raul Iturriaga Neumann, Jaime Lele Orellana and Juan Morales Salgado, to a mere six years in prison for Soria’s murder – a travesty of justice which does not even reflect the crime. However, the impunity built through Pinochet’s dictatorship legacy still has a stronghold on Chile. Earlier this year, the Santiago Court of Appeals reduced the prison sentences of 17 former DINA agents who were involved in the murder and disappearances of Communist party members; the latter including Luis Emilio Recabarren.


Espinoza Bravo, sentenced for his involvement in Soria’s murder, is one of the DINA agents whose prison sentences have been reduced. The decision indicates the absence of separation between law and politics in Chile. In his presidential campaign, Chile’s right-wing President Sebastian Pinera had publicly spoken of amnesties for former DINA agents incarcerated for crimes against humanity. The suggestion was well received by the military and right-wing dictatorship supporters, while victims of the dictatorship and their relatives, in a struggle for reclaiming memory and justice since the dictatorship era, had to contend with yet another political impediment – the political manoeuvring at a legal level.


Chile is governed by silence and complicity – the Pinochet legacy, together with the military’s “pact of silence” – remain perpetual obstacles. What has changed since Soria’s murder was passed off as a drunk driving accident at a time when dictatorship opponents were being tortured and disappeared? While the Chilean military has not been averse to such tactics as seen in last year’s protests, it must be said that since Chile’s transition to democracy, subsequent governments have thoroughly failed the cause of human rights and collective memory in the country.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.10075045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5063 >>5070 >>5091

‘Biological Warfare?’ Twitter Panics as Residents of US States Receive Mysterious Chinese Seeds


On Wednesday, the Utah Department of Agriculture announced that it would be starting a probe after dozens of residents of the state received mysterious packages from China containing unidentified seeds. Since then, residents of at least five other states have reported similar deliveries.


Residents of Virginia, Washington State, Arizona, Indiana, Louisiana and Texas have reported receiving small packages of mystery seeds from China, with authorities warning people not to plant them and to report the deliveries to the US Department of Agriculture.


The small packages are believed to share one defining characteristic: they are mislabeled as jewelry.


Virginian authorities have warned that the seeds may be an invasive plant species, which they say could wreak havoc on the local environment by displacing or destroying local plant and insect life, as well as crops. The state’s department of agriculture and consumer services has urged anyone who receives the unsolicited seeds to contact the Office of Plant Industry Services.


Washington State’s Department of Agriculture has issued a similar warning, saying that “unsolicited seeds could be invasive, introduce diseases to local plants, or be harmful to livestock.”


Facebook and Twitter users from other states, including Arizona, Texas and Indiana have reported receiving similar packages.


The spate of mystery seed-related reports in the US comes following reports last week about hundreds of gardeners in Britain receiving packages of unsolicited seeds from China, with those packages also mislabeled as jewelry and other items.


Online, the news was met with varying degrees of seriousness, with some users suggesting that this may be an Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Little Shop of Horrors-type scenario, while others seriously asked if their delivery constituted a “strategic biosecurity attack” or a form of “biological warfare” by China against the United States.


Some users suggested the seeds appeared to be morning glory, a pervasive vine plant whose seeds can be toxic if ingested.


A few users said that the deliveries may have been a cybercriminal operation by unsavoury Amazon sellers randomly sending deliveries of small, cheap items and giving themselves positive reviews to build up a reputation to scam customers with big ticket items at a later date.


Plant and insect-based biological warfare is a real phenomenon. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union and other Eastern Bloc states accused the CIA of deliberately introducing the invasive Colorado potato beetle in Eastern Europe in a bid to undermine the region’s food security. North Korea and China similarly claimed that the US engaged in insect-based biological warfare during the Korean War of 1950-1953, although US officials have contested those allegations. The US is also known to have conducted experiments in the air-dropping fleas and mosquitos to determine if they could serve as an effective spreader of disease. The USSR had its own entomological warfare program concentrated around ticks.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.10075089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-Gentilism Causes Antisemitism


(Disclaimer - This is the agenda of Organized Jewry. Although many Jews (and non-Jews)

have been duped into supporting nation-destroying globalist policies, and the COVID hoax, most Jews don't hate Gentiles and actually want to assimilate.]


The first bullet of hate was fired by the Jews in the Talmud.


This genocidal, tribal [screed] is the first recorded case of Jewish Anti-Gentilism. It took place a good several millennia before even the concept of Antisemitism was invented. Ancient Jews had actually put this historic and dark Anti-Gentile declaration down in writing some two thousand years before pogroms and the religious persecution of Jews were ever recorded.


Time to 'chatter' about Anti-Gentilism en mass.


Time for Jews to face their Kryptonite.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.10075110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5130 >>5200 >>5432

Watch: China Answers Houston Closure With Raid On US Consulate In Chengdu


China has slammed what it says is a violation of international law after on Friday a group of US federal agents were seen forcing open doors at the Chinese consulate in Houston using power tools and crowbars on Friday as consular staff inside prepared to leave after its ordered closure.


The Trump administration had given China until 4pm Friday to vacate the Houston consulate. Mike Pompeo had charged that the consulate was “a hub of spying and intellectual property theft”.


China has shuttered the US consulate in Chengdu in response on Saturday:


The Chinese consulate in Houston had been there for over three decades and had an estimated 200 employees, about 150 of which were locally hired.


Days prior, after on Tuesday the order came down to shutter the consulate, fire trucks responded to smoke billowing from the back of the compound.


Consular workers had been observed conducting a mass burning of documents ahead of the consulate's closure.


Subsequently, CNN described of Friday's final raid and shutdown:


US federal agents and local law enforcement entered the Chinese consulate compound in Houston earlier Friday in a series of black SUVs, trucks, two white vans and a locksmith's van as a crowd of observers and news cameras observed from the edge of the diplomatic compound.


Initial access was reportedly gained when US officials forced open the back door of the facility using power tools.


Meanwhile, the promised "response" from Beijing has come as on Saturday the US consulate in Chengdu, capital of southwestern China's Sichuan province, was ordered close by Chinese authorities in a tit-for-tat reaction.


Dozens of Chinese agents and police surrounded the American compound on Saturday as moving vans pulled up to its doors.


Reuters reports of the scene Saturday:

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.10075131   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5146 >>5166 >>5200 >>5213 >>5332 >>5366 >>5432

Schiff: Trump Could Refuse to Accept Results, Allow Peaceful Transition


During Friday’s Democratic Weekly Address, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) stated that President Trump’s statements and actions on voting mean that he “may end up doing more damage than any foreign government could by refusing to accept the results of the election or allowing a peaceful transition of power.”


Transcript as Follows:


“Hello. I’m Congressman Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.


It was almost exactly four years ago that we first began to see evidence that Russia was interfering in our democracy and seeking to influence our elections. It was shocking and, at the time, unprecedented.


Directed by Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin, Russian intelligence officers hacked Democratic emails and dumped them on the web to assist the Trump campaign. In addition, Kremlin-backed trolls in St. Petersburg used social media to stoke racial division, spread misinformation, damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign and our democracy.


The lights were flashing red, then. And they are flashing red, now. The Russians are once again intent on interfering in our presidential election. They are likely to use some of the same tactics they used in 2016, but we must also be on guard for new efforts to influence the outcome this fall.


U.S. persons, including elected officials, may be a target of a foreign interference campaign, which seeks to launder or amplify disinformation to affect our public debate, discourse and decision as to who should be the next President of the United States.


Notwithstanding the growing evidence of this threat, what is President Trump doing to discourage these efforts to meddle in our democratic affairs? I will tell you. Nothing. Not one thing, quite the contrary.


In the face of continued foreign interference, and with a President who refuses to do anything to stop it, how do we protect our democracy? How do we protect the bedrock principle of our constitutional compact, that Americans decide American elections?


Here’s how: first, we deter foreign interference from any nation by exposing it and making it clear that there will be serious consequences for any who try to meddle. Second, we disrupt it by any means necessary. Third, we arm the American people with good information to help prevent the spread of lies and disinformation. And finally, we vote. We vote.

Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.10075215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5235 >>5253

International Classification of Diseases,Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM)


The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) is based on the World Health Organization’s Ninth Revision, International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9). ICD-9-CM is the official system of assigning codes to diagnoses and procedures associated with hospital utilization in the United States. The ICD-9 was used to code and classify mortality data from death certificates until 1999, when use of ICD-10 for mortality coding started.


==2013 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code E978

Legal execution==


ICD-9-CM E978 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, E978 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).

E978 describes the circumstance causing an injury, not the nature of the injury.

You are viewing the 2013 version of ICD-9-CM E978.

More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM E978: 2014 2015.


No ICD-10-CM code(s) convert to ICD-9-CM E978


Applies To


All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:

asphyxiation by gas

beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)

capital punishment





other specified means


E977 E979

ICD-9-CM codes are used in medical billing and coding to describe diseases, injuries, symptoms and conditions. ICD-9-CM E978 is one of thousands of ICD-9-CM codes used in healthcare. Although ICD-9-CM and CPT codes are largely numeric, they differ in that CPT codes describe medical procedures and services. Can't find a code? Start at the root of ICD-9-CM, check the 2013 ICD-9-CM Index or use the search engine at the top of this page to lookup any code.



Anonymous ID: 1800d8 July 25, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.10075317   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Igor Danchenko – Russia Dossier Source – On 2008 Election: “[Sarah] Palin Did Not Accept the Things that Henry Kissinger Tried to Convey to Her”


Last Sunday we reported that the Primary Sub-Source (PSS) for the Steele dossier was Igor Danchenko – the individual behind most of the made up lies in the Steele dossier.


Danchenko is the one individual those looking into the Trump – Russia collusion fraud were after – the PSS – the individual who was behind the material amount of Steele dossier lies. At least two sources on the Internet had come to this conclusion by Sunday night.


One site that located the PSS is aptly named (We’ll refer to this individual and website as IFTPSS.)


IFTPSS provided information on the PSS Danchenko here that included a link to Danchenko’s senior thesis from University of Louisville where Danchenko thanks one of his professors – Fiona Hill – the conspirator in Trump’s White House and star witness in the fraudulent impeachment of President Trump!


The PSS was a lawyer and a Russian translator, and he also appears to have spent some time in Iran. He grew up in Russia and worked there as well. Danchenko’s twitter account is now private, so you can’t see his tweets:


At some point Danchenko gave a presentation along with his former professor Fiona Hill – they both worked at the Brookings Institute:


The connection to Fiona Hill is huge because it shows that Adam Schiff’s disgusting unconstitutional impeachment proceeding with his star witness, Fiona Hill, is a closely connected to the Russian scandal and the PSS. No wonder the Deep State wanted Danchenko’s name hidden.


According to her resume Fiona Hill worked for the George Soros Open Society Institute from 2000-2006, just 13 years ago.


We reported earlier today that Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations reported on the PSS and added more color to the individual responsible for all the made up lies in the fraudulent Steele dossier.