Anonymous ID: f557d9 July 25, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.10074816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4824 >>4915 >>4918 >>4926 >>5032

The "Chair" serves the Master.

Who is the Master?

P = C.



Q is telling us China is a puppet to the NWO Global Cabal.

China is ruled by the Communist Party a one party Totalitarian system.

The Chair is the Chairman of the Communist Party and does not ever the People, nor the Country but the Master or Leader of the Cabal.

[P]uppet = [C]hair of [C]hina [C]ommunist Party.

The Puppet has waged war on America at first a Shadow War of Economics and will do whatever the NWO Cabal Master needs.

The Greater enemy as we know is not merely the tool of communism, but the NWO Cabal itself. Potus thus is going after the NWO Cabal and then Poltical Communism loses its WW power once the NWO Cabal loses it ability (through MSM, control of information) to leverage nations and their people to not take a stand against it crimes. When NWO Cabal strings to the MSM and infiltrated Goverments are cut the NWO and Communism fails.


Communism is one tool of the global cabal.

It is a idealogy manifested politically to introduce Totalitarian Global Cabal Control over a Country. It is desired by them and preferred because it is effective in masking the Economic takeover of a Country from the Public, who are conditioned into supporting it. Thereby the Countries people continue to support Communist Government without rebelling against it, it is made possible only with control of information (MSM, SM, etc.) When political power is gained via support of people (or becaue of passitivity of them) the Communist Party take over the businesses, banking, military and is effectively unstoppable domestically, as they utilize all resources of a legitimate Government even if that control was gained through subversive tactics. By the Worlds Nations and International Groups recognizing Communist Party led Governments, as the US does/did historically it allows the Global Cabal to Expand in their conquest of the World.


Understanding how the Global Cabal uses coordination of the Communist Party and control over Media and information, to take over Nations via Iniltration over Invasion, the Communist Party should not be recognized by other Nations and should be viewed as a Occupying Force not as a legitimate Governement. Their control over media and propoganda narratives that the Communist Party represents the people being suppressed by a hostile Government is their method of getting other Nations to recognize their Totalitarian One Party Despotic Rule. We see this narrative playing out now in America. The communist party is not a popular movement as they represent themleves to be, and thus to be succeful in overthrow they always need powerful Nations of the World to acquiece and recognize their legitimacy. They gain this through their power and influence within all nations of the world. That is why they have people controlling state departments and intel, they are effectively a world shadow government, intel agency and spy ring which leverages nations to support their Global activities and actions, up to and including overthrowing nations.

Anonymous ID: f557d9 July 25, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.10074855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5156


> [C] will do whatever the NWO Cabal Master needs.


perhaps they had China ready to fully engage if the Truth is revealed, which destroy the ability of the NWO Cabal to maintain control and escape accountability.


i think you are correct. we need to neuter their (Chinas) ability to do severe damage as we reveal Truths, as we know the NWO Cabal will Deploy all Assets to prevent exposure, and attack those disclosing.

Anonymous ID: f557d9 July 25, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.10074915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[C] the cabal needs a nation state to confront another nation state, they manipulate this through FFs and leverage (bribes, blackmail and through all means of political power, which is gained through media control and control of groups and the 'stars' and people of influence to others)

Anonymous ID: f557d9 July 25, 2020, 12:12 p.m. No.10074944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4967


Communism as a minority party, not the popular party as they represent with their MSM controlled narratives can only take power in a country (and retain it) with support of extraneous Nations and organizations support.


They will try to create a dometic contitutional crisis and Dems, Starts/People of Influence as well as Most Groups will call for UN, EU, China intervention. They will start a civil war, but cannot win without foreign support. They are now working hard to start a civil war and get Libs and everybody comfy with calling in foreign forces.

Anonymous ID: f557d9 July 25, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.10075077   🗄️.is 🔗kun



MP should be a white hat his actions indicate such, same as Barr who was on his c_a outside advisory council.

At this point most in Gov and Politics like Barr and MP and many more can be linked to the swamp but 'owned' is a question mark, and even if so people will escape and free themselve from such just as a nations peoples will escape tyranny and despotic rule if they have a chance at achieving success.

The relationship between an attempt to break the bonds of tyranny is directly proportional to two factors:

1) How bad the tyranny and control affects a person life.

2) The chances of being sucessful in freeing themselves v. the consequence of failure.

Potus has been successful in greatly increasing the support for breaking from tyranny by:

1) Showing how bad the tyranny actually is and how bad it could be in the near future.

2) Showing his successes in accomplishing things that other said cannot be done, and a willigness to use all available resources to be successful.


Only at the Precipice is the key for Max Support, as people will then join the fight. Potus ha continued to expose the tyranny and DS/Dem/MSM control and support for Scary future of no police, no cars, no cows, and rioters in every city.


Potus ha increased the success rate

Anonymous ID: f557d9 July 25, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.10075119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5194


thats a bit rough.

many try to improve every day including myself.

many fell into bad habits that we are now aware of, that does not mean we resist positive change, and do effect those changes to be better patriots.

when the day comes support will be welcomed by a many loyal patriots as possible.

They will fight but you are Ready.

Anonymous ID: f557d9 July 25, 2020, 12:36 p.m. No.10075149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5175


agree, unlike most wars with msm controlling the full narrative, we will have a relatively high desertion rate and mutiny rate.

however i do think potus and Mil Loyalist will take care of the known problems first as a tactical measure as in SpecOps and MPs taking down 10th mtn EOs

Anonymous ID: f557d9 July 25, 2020, 12:50 p.m. No.10075256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5279


any time i have concerns about current events i remember potus and sun tzu- appear weak, i also remember

Q36- If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

this was proven Justice Kagan in a majority SC opinion.


So if we prevented the election from being rigged when BHO was still in power and used all his resources, then we should be in fine shape today.