Anonymous ID: 5a0b1a July 25, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.10075817   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This needs to happen. As long as the media acts in a manner that betrays the United States and shields those harming the country there will always be poison within our society. Any and every single individual who works for companies like CNN, NBC, etc are traitors to the west and should be dealt with accordingly. By "any" I literally mean any and every single person who works for them from the highest level to the lowest. They all work to undermine and harm the west and should be treated as such and should be treated as a prime enemy.

Anonymous ID: 5a0b1a July 25, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.10075933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5965 >>6046 >>6076


What you see on the media and what you read about unrest comes from a very tiny minority within the United States and by "tiny" I mean extremely small given the countries total population. A drop in the hat, probably less than 1% of the total population and most of which are foreign infiltrators, paid rioters, and other assets used to cause issues.


People should logically consider who the civil war would truly pit against each other. The tiny percentage just mentioned against the America loving individuals? No chance. So what then? If anything it would be pushed by controlled leaders of states like in OR, Hawaii, WA and CA who are connected to China and they would revolt while opening the door for Chinese troops to enter the United States since giving it a massive advantage and beach head before the United States even had time to react.


It isn't coincidence that those four states are so deeply connected to China and it isn't coincidence that PLA troops are massing in western Canada. The Chinese have infiltrated the west coast for years and the only logical conclusion I can draw is that is their plan to use it as a beach head while the country cannot act UNTIL they make the beach head since the federal government can (usually) only be invited into states. This is why the recent court decision about federal agents in OR is so important as it allows the feds to round them all up, raid their connected buildings, gather intel, and repel possible invasion points.


China is not fucking around anons, they are not going to play nice, and they want to kill Americans, Canadians, and Australians. The write up by their former Chief General makes that very clear (will link). They have used numerous methods to achieve this end so for those who think that nothing will happen with China, think again, conflict is absolutely inevitable with China as they believe that if they cannot kill the United States that they themselves will die. They see this as a battle for survival and will use any means to achieve that. I have been saying this for years, hell, decades as I began noticing these trends when I was in the service decades back and it has been of serious concern to me for all that time. I am really happy all these things about China is (finally) going public but I also know they will strike us if we do not handle them first.

Anonymous ID: 5a0b1a July 25, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.10075989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6132


It was sourced in the previous bread. I will be back in a few and grab it if you have not found it by then but it was heavily discussed in the previous two breads and backed up with some convincing material, one of which coming from several members of the Canadian armed forces complaining about their presence.

Anonymous ID: 5a0b1a July 25, 2020, 2:20 p.m. No.10076090   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is very real and every single citizen of a western country needs to be aware of and ready for that because the Chinese will undoubtedly attack every single western country that would be allied against them. I really wish the administration would start disappearing these internal traitors. I respect that he wants to handle things by the book and by the law but the truth is that these people are not going to play by the rules and nothing is sacred to them, they will do anything to achieve power and (on this case) survive.


The only way to deal with such people is by removing them from the fray as soon as possible because, you better believe, if they achieve power again they will never take the chance of 2016 happening again and they will vanish every last America loving/western loving individual. People can sigh and think they wouldn't do that because those people live in a fantasy world of rainbows and butterflies but they will do that, they will.

Anonymous ID: 5a0b1a July 25, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.10076189   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good, very good. I also made a post three breads back about the lasers being used by the rioters in OR which blinded the two feds. Those lasers are a weapon of choice by the PLA and have been used on (at least) eight previous occasions in different areas of the planet against Americans. It should also be noted they are high powered lasers and not something you can buy at some store or order online so that pretty much proved to me that the rioters are being equipped by a serious group that had access to such weaponry OR it was an asset hidden within the crowd doing the damage.


I was surprised the baker didn't recognize that post as it tied the Chinese to the recent OR issues very tightly. But regardless, the Chinese threat is serious and people really need to be ready for that. I predict they will either go full hot war with the west within the next four months or directly after Trumps second term if they cannot fix the election. Their entire plan was to have Hong Kong in hand, Taiwan in hand and the west coast of the United States weakened and ready for beach head by 2020. As it stands they are behind their schedule and knowing what I know about the Chinese they will see it as an insult they didn't meet their agenda and will force the issue because they will feel that if they don't then their enemy (us) will come after them (which we are).

Anonymous ID: 5a0b1a July 25, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.10076228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6241


Nobody is ever polled anon, nobody, no Rs or Ds. All they do is make up numbers and use it to write their hit pieces. They have been doing this for years and nobody is ever polled (ever). The only polls that ever truly do take place are local and state level in nature.

Anonymous ID: 5a0b1a July 25, 2020, 2:38 p.m. No.10076245   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>also found in 1992

This was the year America was compromised and everything we see today, every last major cultural issue, every problem, it all originated in that year. I am old enough to remember all of them.

Anonymous ID: 5a0b1a July 25, 2020, 2:43 p.m. No.10076286   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I understand your morality but you also have to remember that China will not hesitate to kill every last America if given the chance. If a hot war, no, when the hot war begins those same oppressed people you bring up will be conscripted into the Chinese army and will be fighting on multiple fronts while killing foreign soldiers, raping women, killing children. In war you must recognize that it's a good thing to protect the innocent but that cannot be your primary goal as your primary goal is killing the enemy and cutting off all lines of support they have.


Does that mean we should kill their citizens? Of course not. But if their citizens come between a key location (which China will use as a means to shield themselves) and not knocking a key location out, you must always knock it out against an enemy that will use any means to kill you. They have now proven they are willing to use biological weapons which is a major sign of what else they will do. They will stop at nothing to kill westerners and that is what people need to remember when their morality springs up. If those in charge would have acted decisively and brutally against the invaders decades ago we wouldn't be in this position today, but we are, and we need to learn from that and wipe out every and any remnant of even a single connection to the CCP be it some student in the west, or some farmer if they are connected in China. Make no mistake, they will kill westerners with absolutely no mercy and morality is a weakness they will and have exploited.