Anonymous ID: 4863ec July 25, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.10077767   🗄️.is 🔗kun



On the chess board, this traitor is one of the black bishops.


"After you’ve learned the basic rules of chess, understanding the movements and tactics of a bishop will help you develop a balanced and complete chess game. The bishop is a long range chess piece that can be surprisingly powerful if properly deployed."


"The kingside bishop is placed between the king and knight on the row closest to each player on the chess set, while the queenside bishop rests between the knight and the queen."


"It is the only piece besides the king and queen that may move diagonally at any point (a pawn may move diagonally only when capturing another piece.)"


"Because bishops begin the game obstructed by pawns, the bishops are often at their most effective in the middlegame once the other pieces move and the pawn blockade has been cleared."


"….a bishop that occupies the opposite color as the majority of your pawns is considered a “good bishop” as it is able to move freely and exert more influence over the chessboard.


Comment: Roberts is like the "good" (black) bishop because he is outwardly viewed as "conservative". He seemingly would have no "pawns" to potentially interfere with his decisions, as compared to say, RBG, who is expected to rule in favor of Leftists/Liberals. This seemingly "conservatism" gives him more freedom to move about the "board", but he moves more freely during the "middlegame".


"Bishops that are able to move freely outside of its pawn chain are known as active bishops, whereas a bishop that is trapped behind its pawn chain is considered a passive bishop. Both “good” and “bad” bishops can be active or passive."


Comment: It seems Roberts has entered his "active" stage, he is activated, and his "moves" are revealing his true loyalty. However, this revelation will not deter him because:


''Bishops can be particularly effective in the endgame, especially when the only other pieces remaining in the game are pawns."


Roberts will be needed for the election cases.


Article from CNN:


Chief Justice John Roberts' game of chess