Anonymous ID: 15cfd3 July 25, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.10078056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8085 >>8201 >>8298 >>8486 >>8488 >>8531

Gun Control Sneaks by Lackadaisical Republicans


House Republicans were asleep at the wheel this week and missed a major piece of gun control legislation buried deep in the original text of H.R. 6395, a $740.5 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Tuesday—legislation they had unanimously voted out of committee. While the House Armed Services Committee vote to move the bill to the Floor of the House of Representatives two weeks ago went swimmingly for interested parties, the road to the finish line was brutal. Hundreds of amendments were proposed, and the parliamentary proceedings to sort through the mess forced members to physically stand on the chamber floor for a series of votes over the course of two consecutive days—excruciating work indeed. Eventually around 5:30 PM on Tuesday evening, the bill passed, 295-125 with a veto-proof majority. There were 9 Republicans not voting, 108 voting “yea,” and 81 voting “nay.” With this final passage, the U.S. House of Representatives finished its work on this spending “masterpiece,” and more than half of Republicans were now on record in support of “red flag” gun confiscation orders (GCOs) for the Armed Services. On page 343 of 1427 lay a section stating: “a military court protective order issued on an ex parte basis shall restrain a person from possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm.”


Understood in context, Section 542 of the bill codified a new “red flag” gun confiscation order program enforceable against any person subject to the United States Code of Military Justice—meaning both active duty military and retirees, among others. Because these would be issued on an ex parte basis, the gun owner would get no notice, no attorney, and no ability to defend himself against the accusations—in short, no due process. You might ask, what is gun control doing in an annual national defense appropriations package? But anti-gunners had asked themselves a better question at least several weeks earlier: why not enact gun control in a national defense bill? Gun owners should count themselves lucky that the final text of the 2021 NDAA will be determined through conference negotiations in the coming weeks with Senate Republicans and the White House.

H. R. 6395 Union Calendar No. 354

Anonymous ID: 15cfd3 July 25, 2020, 6:29 p.m. No.10078202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8332

MEDIA BIAS: Majority Believe U.S. Journos Are In The Tank for Joe Biden


Recent Rasmussen polling indicates most voters believe the media is overwhelmingly biased in favor of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, alleging half of all journalists will work to get the former veep elected.


Of likely U.S. voters, 50 percent say “most reporters to try to help Biden,” only five percent will provide beneficial coverage to President Trump’s campaign, and 35 percent believe the media will remain “unbiased.” Fifty-nine percent of the same cohort believe Biden “has received the best treatment from the media so far,” in comparison to 18 percent feeling the media “has treated Trump better.” This reflects a broader trend, inextricably linked to President Trump highlighting the malign influence of press bias since his 2016 campaign, that 51 percent of likely voters “believe most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win when covering a political campaign.”


What’s more, 63 percent believe “most major news organizations” have their “own political agenda.” And this agenda is overwhelming anti-Trump: 44 percent of participants believe “most reporters are trying to block President Trump’s agenda,” while 48 percent believe “most reporters were trying to help President Obama pass his agenda.” In other words, the media’s reputation as objective and factual is long dead. A disparity exists, however, between Republican and Democratic desires to remedy biased media: 79 percent of Republicans and 55 percent of independents hunger for “fair and balanced” news while less than half – just 42 percent – of Democrats feel the same. While legacy media journalists love to lament their “Fake News” moniker, the American people evidently believe its well-deserved. And rightfully so.

Anonymous ID: 15cfd3 July 25, 2020, 6:53 p.m. No.10078412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8598

REVEALED: New York Times Uncritically Published From Hitler’s Mein Kampf on Eve of Largest Nazi Military Push


The New York Times published highlights from Adolf Hitler’s Nazi playbook Mein Kampf, detailing how to disseminate propaganda.


“The Art of Propaganda,” a full-page article written by Hitler, appeared in the New York Times Magazine on June 22, 1941, as Nazi Germany began its largest military operation: the invasion of the Soviet Union, also known as Operation Barbarossa. The news following a major National Pulse exposé of the paper’s record on black voting and slavery, wherein the Times declared “NEGRO SUFFRAGE A FAILURE”. The recently unearthed Hitler piece, complete with a portrait of the German leader responsible for the death of millions in the center of the page, was comprised of highlights from the Nazi chief’s seminal work Mein Kampf.


Notoriously rife with anti-semitism and providing an outline of the deadly National Socialist ideology, Mein Kampf saw its “most important passages on propaganda” (according to the Times’s introductory paragraph) be curated by paper in an article that served as a guidebook. The article did not include criticisms, nor refutations from the Times or its staff. “It must appeal forever and only to the masses,” the article posited about propaganda messaging, going on to list other axioms for the deceptive media strategy including “effective propaganda should be limited to a very few points” and hailing “persistency” as the “most important condition for success.” “The task of propaganda lies not in a scientific training of the individual, but rather in directing the masses toward certain facts, events, necessities, etc., the purpose being to move their importance into the masses’ field of vision,” the article continues.


Now under fire from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for publishing an op-ed tantamount to “Chinese propaganda” concerning the U.S.’s response to coronavirus, the New York Times appears to be occupying a similar collaborator role with its coverage of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In early February, an article entitled “China and America Can Compete and Coexist” written by a senior colonel in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) also graced the pages of the coveted opinion section. The establishment rag, whose owning family’s connection to the confederacy and ownership of slaves was recently unearthed, has a bevy of controversial articles originally published throughout the 1900’s, including an article entiteld “NEGRO SUFFRAGE A FAILURE.” The article, reported first by The National Pulse, also spoke to the “advisability of lynching.” And on November 21, 1922, the New York Times published an article declaring “Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so violent or genuine as it sounded.” Such printing history casts the outlet’s current progressive editorial board, “wokeness,” and rebuke of President Trump as a “fascist” in a hypocritical light at odds with the New York Times’ founding and history.


The New York Times' first article about Hitler's rise is absolutely stunning

Who Killed More: Hitler, Stalin, or Mao?

Anonymous ID: 15cfd3 July 25, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.10078447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8478



>Lurk more faggot


>He said it at that conference with turbo-jew lady feinstein when she gave us the great rubbie-rubbie maymay






>it's all over the net if you just search


Your statement it's up to YOU to back it up. That's what was asked of you, Thanks for the sauce.