Clemson won the 2016 National Championship.
Pornfag returns.
Happy Sweet 16!!
Autism at its finest! Great work!
Seth Rich was "murdered" on July 10. 7/10. 7+10=17. The 17th letter in the alphabet is Q. Q, R(ich), S(eth). BOOM!
Sean Hannity's opening monologue bashing Comey was brilliant. I'm sticking to what I've been saying the whole time. I think Comey is good. Remember, Q told us that going after Hillary for the emails would have led to Obama's private server too.It would have been completely impossible to charge him bc the stage was nowhere near being set. The leftists would have burnt every city down. They had no choice but to let her walk. The only hope for justice was if President Trump could win.
So, Comey did all he could do, he re-opened the Hillary investigation right before the election. It did just enough damage to hurt her. Not to mention the fact that Comey's firing is what started the Mueller investigation. 25,000 sealed indictments. Q has never said anything negative about Mueller. We were asked about his military background and why it's important. He's a Marine Captain and decorated combat veteran. Not the resume of someone who would betray his country during one of the most crucial moments in history. Then last week, Q said that a traitor leaked that POTUS was not a criminal target in the Mueller investigation.
Just as the media was beginning to ask questions, conveniently, there was an FBI [raid] (cough cough). Now, the media has completely forgotten about the leak and are back 100% believing that POTUS is being investigated. Even better, the more that we demand the firing of Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions, the opposition supports them. It's perfect because now, whatever evidence of treason by the Obama administration will have to be accepted by them.
Look at people like Hussein, Hillary, Susan Rice, John Brennan, James Clapper, Valerie Jarrett, Adam Schiff, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Eric Holder, etc. They all look completely evil and possessed. They just have a certain look to them. James Comey and Robert Mueller don't have that look. They are both good guys and part of the plan.
This was pretty much confirmed 4 hours ago.