Anonymous ID: 8d8b31 April 11, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.1007974 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>7978 >>1007959 Hussein got a 16 = P. Piss Poor President
Anonymous ID: 8d8b31 April 11, 2018, 10:05 p.m. No.1008323 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>8403 >>1008252 WTF - this makes no sense.
Anonymous ID: 8d8b31 April 11, 2018, 10:18 p.m. No.1008441 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>1008403 I see you put a lot of thought into this, but - not buying it. Just accidentally linking things.
Anonymous ID: 8d8b31 April 11, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.1008608 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>8625 >>8652 >>1008540 Where is Building 8 - China???
Anonymous ID: 8d8b31 April 11, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.1008673 🗄️.is 🔗kun >>1008567 HOLY CRAP Regina Dugan who worked at US Department of Defense!!!!!! Then Google.