Portland Terrorists just launched first attack of the night on the federal building with fireworks/mortar.
Portland Andy saying that another mob of one thousand or more, is heading to the federal building. Should be there in a matter of minutes.
Portland Terrorists blowing much of the dispersed gas back on the federal agents. They will probably get hit with large amounts of pepper bullets very soon.
Even credentialed media knows they are taking a risk when reporting from dangerous locations. I don't think antifa claiming 'press' will have an effect on how federal agents attempt to control the crowd. Didn't seem to last night. kek
That would be incredible. He is a legendary whistleblower.
Portland Terrorists have attached ropes to the fence at the federal building. Can't tell if they intend to pull it themselves, or possibly use a vehicle.
Hole has been opened up in the federal building fence. They appear to be keeping it under wraps for now. Looks big enough to climb through, although I don't know what someone would be able to do once they get in.
An area of the fence at the federal building has been pulled down almost to the ground. Response imminent from agents.
This is the most violent assault on the federal building yet. They need to be hammered with a much stronger grade of gas than usual.
Federal agents in the street. Targeting people pointing lasers with tear gas.
Agents look to be making targeted arrests, probably of those using lasers.