People who watch live stream riots are losers. Get involved Or ignore them this is not a game.
Q email me. Let's talk.
Jews are gods chosen.
Donald Trump loves the Jews because he's not retardid.
Jew haters are special needs. Coddle them.
They no not what they do.
Read the Bible front to back a dozen times and get back to me.
You are a poser.
Nope its life or death.
Ask God No human will love you if you don't no God.
Sorry know I'm dyslexic
Your president.
Every verse.
Christians eat the Jews crumbs and like it.
You think Jews are disgusting non Jews eat theta children.
Corona virus is MKULTRA. You are just like a movie star or rock star or pro athlete. How do you feel? ?
Sucks don't it.
Corona virus is MKULTRA. You are just like a movie star or rock star or pro athlete. How do you feel? ?
Sucks don't it.
Ok Q fix this shit or die.
No pressure.
I'm not Q' I'm Qs antagonist. .
White Squall movie promotes children having sex with whores.
Q loves STD's
No I'm not you cant Waite for my next post.
wait I'm dyslexic.
Trump and Q are either stupid or they promote children having sex with whores.That is what the movie is all about.
All the children got STD's.
Does Trump want Baron to have sex with a whore?
Does Q and his gay partner want t their adopted son to have sex with a prostitute?
Q be bold stop hiding we arena pussy.
aren't I'm dyslexic.
Q…. Queer. Not that theres anything wrong with that.
Rent White Squall be disappointed.
Spoiler alert the children get STS"S from having sex with prostitutes.
Q 's perversion is watching children having sex with prostitutes.
Trump needs to dump pedo Q.
Trump needs to dump pedo Q.
you never watched the movie. children chain smoking and fucking whores.
Where we smoke all we fuck whores.
Q is a moron.
Did you think no-one would watch the movie?
The whole Q forum is based on it.
the whole moment is based on the movie. And you never watched it.
Watch it bitch.
Watch it or shut the fuck up.
Q is a Qcreep.
Q is a Qreep
your whole life is based around this movie and you have never watched it.
You are retarded.
Fuck the movie read the Bible. Q is retarded.
your life is based on a movie you never watched.
Qanons your life is based on a movie you never watched.
Q is into children chain smoking and getting VD from whores. is a pervert.
Q is a pervert.
Q thinks teens having sex with whores is cool.
Q needs to be replaced.
Trump needs to dump pervert q.
Trumps IT guy is a pervert looser.
Q is queer +.
Like Liberace, Q never found the right woman.