Smaller scale, much less expensive studies, where able to get better results mapping brain. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your point of view) our current technology is still crude, lacks precision, and the statistical techniques used to correlate brain function are prone to creating massive artifacts. Large scale neuroimaging projects also tend to eat through money, with most of it going to paying for MRI time (which is pocketed by the University/hospital) and the most rest going pay to the salaries of Professors and their top administrators. I will give credit where it is due since the top board members of the BRAIN project were the most vocal about the misallocation of funds, but the cynic in me suspects they shit it down since the top researcher learned they weren't getting extra shekels for their pet projects. Israel and the EU also had massive brain mapping projects around the same time that have fizzled out the same way.
tl;dr DARPAfags followed the brain mapping fad of the early 'teens then dropped it once they learned it was not an effect tool for control
For more info on BMIs and neurotech see >>1008359
t. samefag shilling own post