Anonymous ID: 5cad6e July 26, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.10088023   🗄️.is 🔗kun

.<Pro>[blame] [1]: <teh[glow]<ballast> <skym> {off} .the. lay<boar> [of] <hard> [were]<king> [a][mare][i][can][s]

.<Pro>[blame] [2]: <the[med]<ea> <per>[pet][u]<eights> [fall][S]<e> [reee]<all>{it}<ties> [and] <dis><sim>[min]<eights> [dis]<in>[form><ate>[ion]

.<Pro>[blame] [3]: [go]<vern>[mint] <L>[ack!]<s[trans]<pair><ant><see> [and] <has> .an. <ex>[cess] <of> <b>[lack] <budge>[it] <pro>[jecks]

.<Pro>[blame] [4]: <Cult><u><r><all<a>[path][E] | is | <ramp><ant> [and] <A>[mare]<i><caw> [has] {lost} kun.<troll> [of] <teh> <go><vern><mint>

.<Pro>[blame] [5]: [The] <cure>[ant] <pole>[lit]<i><c><allcis.[stem] {caters}[2] <crym>[in]<all><lit.[E] <and> [core]<r><up>.t.<ion>

.<So>[loo].t.[ion]: [st]<and[up]. [S]<peak> [up]. <Bee>[herd]. [Reee]<cyst>. [In]<fill>[tray][T]. [Dis]<mantle>

Eh bye-part.|is|an >revolution< a.<gain>[st] a mu.(2).all [in]<a>[me] | is| [in]<evit>[able}

[Revolution] | (CAN)(NOT) bee see.[cure] <un>[til] bore.durs [r] <est>[ab][bull][ish][d]

[im]<port/ [ex]<port> kun.trolls

Minting [of] <cure>[ant].see

Eh noo whirled oar.dur [all]<weighs[re]<place>[is] .the> old whirled oar.dur

[Th]<air| is | know <poss>[I]<bill><it><tea> [of] <comm>[batting] cis.<stem>.attic [fine].ant.[shill] [oh]<press>[ion] <with><ow>[t] low.[call] >saw<[vern]>tee<

[states] | MUST | <seh><seed[f]<rum> the Un.<ion> oar <reee>[de][fine] the rye.[ts] g.<air><in>[tee][d] <bi> the > 10th <Amen>[d]<mint>

Eh .bet.[ur] <whirled| is | <poss>[I]<bill>, [each] <part.>[e] <having> th.<air> [oh.n] de.<fin>[it]<ion> [of] <pure>[feck>[ion>

The <con>[styt]<2>[ion] [pro]<techshour rye.[t] <2> .choose.

Lye[f], <Liber><tee[and][the] .pure.[suit> of [happy]>ness<

It g.<air><in>[tees] [free]<dumb>

[low]<call.kun.<trolls> on full<E> [imp][pow>.e.[red] [low][call]/stay[t] <go><vern><mint>

[The] [fed].dur.[all] <go><vern><mint| must | [bee] may[d] >Be9<

[reee]<spawns>[able] .city.[zens] <due| not | fye<t> oh.<var> [kun].troll [of] <s>[haired] in<sty><2>[ions]

Eh <sin>[S].e [of] <siv>[i][c] due<tee[dem]<and><s> [pry][or][it][I]<zing> <of> [gnat]<ion><all> [saw]<vern>[tea]

[gnat]<ion><all[saw]<vern>[tea] ]can[ on.lee [bee] g.<air>[in]<tee>[d] .with> [an] <ed>[U]<cay>[t][ID], in.<form>[ED] <and> [in]<gauged> [pop]><u><lace>

A.<path>[E] | is | <a[score][g] <and> eh [cult]<u><r><all> [dis]<ease>

Won <sim>p.[tum] <of[cult]<u><r><all> a<path>[E] | is | loo.<sing> [kun].troll oh<var> the <go><verning> in<sty>[2]<ions>

[It] <rests[awn] [hall][E]<would> [and] the [Mockingbird Media Machine] to [N]<cure>[age] HELL<THEE> pole<lit><i><c><all> [part]<i><c>[pay]<ion>

.<prince>[a]<pulled[city]<zens> [use] .in<stalled> [mech]<an>[isms] <of> [demo]<crazy> [2] {establish} [A].mare.<I><C><A>'s [few][tour]

[The] <pea>[pole] | must | <go><vernthe <Reee>[pub].[lick]

Won <fore>[m] of <vow>[ting] | is | <the[ex]<or><size> [of] <con>[sue]<mare> [choy]<c>

[E]<varydoll<or> <spin>[T] | is | a <vow]<T> [4] <how> <pro><ducts> [R] [man]<u><fact>.[toured]

The <con>[sue]<moor| IS | <the> [pro]<deuce>[or]

[The] doll<air[pro]<due>.[cis] <the>. pro<duct><ion>

The <choy>[C] to bye low<caland A.<mare>[I][can] bee.<longs> [2] [U]

T<his| is | A.<mare>[I][caw] & <s>[hit> [gits] d<one> rye[t]

[bye] <low>[cal], [bye] a.<mare><i><can>

The <traffic>[king] <of[lay]<boar> [and] <slay>[vary] <ends> [with] in<form>[med] <con>[sumer] choy[c]

[end] <knead>[less] <envy>[row]<mental[de]<grade>[day][T].ion>

[It] | is | <won[thyng] [2] <har>[vest] <re>.[sore][C]<is>

.<c>[leer] <cut>[i][n][g] <and[stryp]{mining} | is | <ear>[reeee]<sponse><able>

.<dumb>[ping] <talk>[sick] <way>[st] aw[n] [the] [3]<rd<whirled> | is | <ron>[G]

[th]<air| is | know <good> [reee]<son> .NOT. [2] <pro>[deuce] <inner>[g] f<rum [the] <son>, <wynd> [and] <weigh><v><s>

It <shud| not | <bee> [eh] <pole>[lit]<i><call> [is][U], [it] | is | <comm>[man] sin[S]<e> [2] <reee>[vye]<tall>[eyes] <the> [eco]<no>[me] <wyth> [re]<knew><ables>

the <teck>[nah]<low>[G] <must[bee] <man>[U]<fact>[tured] <bye> [A]<mare>[i][cans][4][A]<mare>[I][cans.

.the few<tour| is | now

Anonymous ID: 5cad6e July 26, 2020, 10:47 p.m. No.10088512   🗄️.is 🔗kun

{language} | is | .teh. <mow>[st] <power>[full] >teck<knowledge>[E] <on[Urth]

{language} | is | <eh[2][ool] <and> [2]<ools> [can] <bee> [used] [4] [b]<ad> [oar] .good.

{language} <con>[struck]<s[and] <binds>

{language} <re>[deuces] <and{objectifies}

{<alpha>[bits]. [Muh] <letters[r] <sim>[balls]

.<sim>[balls] <halve[core]<uh>[spawn][ding] <reee>[act][ions] [N] duh <brian>

.<each<let><ture> [can] <bee> [tray>[ced] ET.<my><log><i><c><all>[E] <thou>[sands] <of> y<ears>

th<air{meaning} | is | <rue><ted> [N] <hour> <sub>[con]<science> [brian]

w[hen] <the{senses} <de>[tech][t] <eh> <let><ture> [oar] <ass>[o][she]<eight>[ed] <sound>, .muh. <brian> fyr[s] [core]<reee>[spawn][ding] <nor>[ons]

.how. <lawng[h]<ass> KNOW <mint> KNOW?