Anonymous ID: 5fbf85 July 26, 2020, 9:17 p.m. No.10087931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are totally in the Matrix. Do you think this Austin shooting is real? I mean. how convenient, an interview right before the shooting, with a brand new AK 47? I dont know. maybe I am stoned, and its just a gut thing but anons… we've seen this movie before, nothing is new nothing is real, they are trapping us with this all of this and the Quantum thing. I dont know. it time to start finding some peace and protection. maybe we all ignore it and it will go away? or is that to lul us to sleep again? Maybe the pot I just smoked is really strong, tell me I am wrong. please. Mr Anderson n shit.


Austin shooting code = Austin Steinbart hit possibly 07.25.2020 7+7+4 7-11

Garret - Garrot

Mom is immediately on CBS interview my boy dindunuthin


so cringe and sketch.


just maybe

Plus Regis Philbin dies at 88 HH

interesting things.