No bullets.
"When's m'godamned adrenochrome supply, bitches?!"
"We never gave it to you. You were on a placebo all the time, Maxine. But thanks for the money, โฆ bitch."
So much about WHO.
The keystone that links up the aspirations of NWO/Cabalists as practical Enforcer? Even moreso than UN that might simply be the overly obvious decoy.
What would Trump's answer be?
And what kind of answer would instantly end all this bullshit we've been witnessing around the world for four years, instantly placate all Trump's enemies, instantly kill off his opponent's arguments, instantly offer him a Landslide victory in November?
I don't know what the answer would be that some anons seem to think would be so momentous.
Q is military intelligence!
"Oh yeah, so you (Trump) are using the military against the people to become dictator!"
Is the answer ever going to be satisfactory?
Impregnated with Covid to kill off the last remaining Martian freedom fighters.
That's was the secret all along. Mars surveying was really an invasion. Gasp. Alex Jones hid it from us all!
Yes, but again, what is she going to say that will be so seismic?
Anything said will be just another weapon used to re-energise the attacks on Trump administration.
I always find it a little disconcerting to think about the colour so vibrantly used and alluded to as champion of what we might regard as a more free, less authoritarian, less Globalist doctrine.
The colour of the Chinese flag and everlasting symbolism of communism.
Stealing their symbolism again orโฆโฆโฆ?
Yes. Correct. The Far-Left, Corporate funded ANTIFABLM movement is indeed a Far-Right authoritarian vanguard of the NWO.
The media is starting to get it right.
I'm right there with ya! Strapped in and waiting for the 'surprise' comet strike that reawakens the lost herd of buried T-Rexs in Wyoming.
Speak for yourself. Right now I'm alone on a snow capped mountain looking down on my next assignment. String wind blowing through the trees here but at least no mask forced Karensโฆ..
Oh wait. Who is this approaching with a frown on her eyebrows?
The point is I'm not Far-Right.
Projection. If you can't see far right antics in BLM or Antifa then you're well programmed by the decades of propaganda from yon mainstream media.
But your path is your own to follow. I repeat, I'm not Far Right anything.
You really don't like the idea exposed that the Far Right and Far Left are pals after the same ends, do you?
Proud of the 'Far Right' tag placed by media on anti-Globalists?
Go ahead. You be you. You ain't me though.