Obama's Father is a Literal Nazi
Erwin Kraus: Korpsführer of the NSKK (National Socialist Motor Corps)
Time to wake up, shills! You've got some spinning to do!
Obama's Father is a Literal Nazi
Erwin Kraus: Korpsführer of the NSKK (National Socialist Motor Corps)
Time to wake up, shills! You've got some spinning to do!
That one's good–I also recommend this one, which is better in some ways:
Also, they draw heavily from the Book of Enoch, but make sure you don't get the one with all the annotations, as I don't think they're trustworthy. Furthermore, keep in mind that it was supposedly lost for a thousand-some-odd years, then "found" by a freemason. Numerous copies were among the Dead Sea Scrolls, be we know who's running that operation.
You can find .pdfs of that freely available online as well.
Here is the Book of Enoch version that I recommend. The other one easy to come by is annotated by Andy McCracken. There are certain families that I don't trust, and that's one of them.
When it comes to getting the interpretation of symbols, it's the opposite–I prefer a cabalist family name as the author, because there are so many ways to interpret symbols that you really need to know how they are doing it. So the one I linked above, written by J.B. Cooper (I think), is good.
Between that and Manly P Hall's book, you should have your hands full for now. But if not, just do a search on "Encyclopedia of Symbols" and you'll come up with about three or four more, of dubious value.