If all my memories really are fake, this is literally the gayest shit ever. Like what the fuck is this supposed to teach me? That life sucks if you don't have money? Because that's all I've learned from my "life" thus far. Fuck this shit, fuck this person "I" am, this is literally the lamest story ever pick me up in the spacecraft now ffs holy fuck fuck you guys.
Nah nigga for real this shit is gay I'm ready to go pick me up now.
That has nothing to do with what I said. You owe me money, where is it?
You don't fool me you stupid fucking nigger. I don't know exactly who I am, but I know enough to know what it's not whatever this is.
>You donโt even seem to have a target.
Why should I? There's nothing to aim for. Literally nothing, it's all gone. Your game is stupid and clearly only meant to benefit people already on the inside. You don't fucking fool me and I know how fake it is. I was on the inside before and I know I was.
>You make no sense.
Intentionally. You should've figured that out by now.
>No one owes you anything.
Wrong. You owe me years of back pay for my services. So where is it?
You (or someone else) has already told me. You can play dumb but I know what you're doing (more or less.) I k n o w how fake it is, I s e e it and I know what you're fucking doing. And I know you've been using me for something and I'm not playing your shitty rigged faggot bullshit nothing dystopia funny money fiat nigger game because I can remember from before and what's behind the scenes and fuck this fake ass surface garbage. You wouldn't be engaging with me in this manner if at least some of what I say isn't the truth or close to it.
So imma need about tree fiddy.
Sure. You programmed me that way this time around, after all. Or maybe it's that only someone in my position can truly see what's going on. That doofus-tier reply only further solidifies in my mind that I'm right. So not only are you liars and cheaters, you're stingy motherfuckers. Typical contractors :3
I don't even want money, but you already know that. I guess we'll both just have to keep doing what we're doing for now, won't we?
I did it with magic, you nigger-looking but not technically black nigger ass nigger.