6ad69c: C'mon stop shitting the bread. Dough means Go!
Why does DJT play along with the virus and vaccine stuff?
Probable answer:
"Because he knows it will be impossible to make a vaccine for it"
Think about it, chynavirus is in the same family of viruses as the ones responsible for the common cold. Are you immune to catching the cold after one time? No. Is anyone? Maybe a very very few?
Antibodies for this family of viruses tends to only be produced a short time in the body.
If a vaccine would be possible for it wouldn't it be a common thing for people to take so the common cold could be avoided?
Do we have a date on the photo?
who died?
Look at them squirming to get back in our good graces after killing our Messiah. I'm loving every minute of this. Best gift I could have ever got!
If I were you, which I am not, but if I were I'd probably go to a dude-weed-bro forum and ask them how to find pot to take.
>So you calling this Jew a liar?
It doesn't even know what it's saying.
It's grovelling in misery trying to figure out what best arrangement of SPELL it can assemble to escape the hell it's created for itself. From here on out, they beg us to adhere to the teachings of the books they wrote for us to follow, not ever realizing that every time they point to their intrepid books, it does nothing but incite more anger, rage and pure hatred of their forked-tongue words spewing out of their venom holes.
reddit >>>that way >>>
what's that on the top of her right foot? Someone zoom in and get a better shot.
the cheap tribalists really painted themselves into a corner with the whole racism push. Now the black community is bullet-proof from any form of criticism. I'm loving this shit!
Don't engineers at google make like 500k/yr?
this guy talking about "The borgoise" and shit. Who TF does he think he's fooling?
>put to final test in thousands of volunteers
Oh Q you glorious shitposting son of a bitch! Please tell me this is The Plan! PLEASE!
canada is rolling out their "isolation sites"
call your daughter