Anonymous ID: c7261d July 27, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.10091857   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Could be, could be, see lb here, about GHW, whose time capsule is in the Rose Garden, and who started the commie infiltration:


>>10091032 lb

>>10091215 lb

>>10091349 lb


Yes, the time capsule buried by GHW is dated October 13, 1992. Let's see what momentous events were in 1992 during his term of office:


George H.W. Bush agreed with Russia U.S. nuclear providers could purchase uranium from Russia’s disassembled nuclear warheads reduced from its highly enriched weapons-grade level. The company tasked with the sale and transportation of this uranium was Russian controlled “Tenex”, a subsidiary of Rosatom.Tenex would later be the subject of an covert FBI investigation in which they employed an informant. Their U.S. company was “Tenam USA”, based in Bethesda, Md. The Russian official in charge of Tenam was Vadim Mikerin, the company executive who would later be found guilty on lesser charges years removed from the investigation (to distract from the real crime implicating the Clinton Foundation and the Obama administration).


David Rockefeller chosen as a leading member of the Russian-American Bankers Forum, formed by the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY to advise Russia on how to modernization of its banking system, approved by President Boris Yeltsin.Also this year, he spoke at a Miami summit and proposed a "Western Hemisphere free trade area", becoming Free Trade Area of the Americas at a Miami summit in 1994.


The Mayor of Shanghai and the Executive Vice Premier of China Huang Ju visited San Francisco (continued Chinese infiltration). San Francisco-Shanghai Sister City Committee is awarded the Rotary International Awards for "Most Outstanding Friendship Program."(continued bribery by Chinese of American local officials independent of the federal government).


September 17, 1992:George Soros borrowed over ten billion Pounds to convert them into German Marks, causing a run on the Pound. He then bought back the devalued Pounds with the Marks resulting in a $1.4 billion profit.Using this scheme for decades, he built his empire to fund the cause of globalism, such as the Clinton Foundation and Global Initiative and Obama's rise to president along with the DNC.Though Globalism is merely a fancy sounding name for the Club Med Elite having all the wealth and power while the filthy masses service them. To join their club, you have to abide by their cause and contribute to it.


First week of November, 1992: According to Haitian reports, a houngan (voodoo priest) recommended by exiled president Jean-Bertrand Aristide (gee, it didn't seem to be working for him) advised Bill Clinton to not change his underwear during the entire last week of the campaign.The houngan also cast a curse upon George HW Bush using a voodoo doll, and it was believed to have worked when Bush experienced projectile vomiting onto the Japanese prime minister, an incident captured by Media throughout the world.

Anonymous ID: c7261d July 27, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.10092431   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ah, the two-fingered salute of Sabazius: