You distort.
You Lie.
Why should anyone believe the first thing you say?
You did it to yourself.
You know you won the argument when they post "Always Deceiving" memes.
That's when they are utterly out of ideas.
Hey MuhJoo.
I was thinking.
To help you get your message out. Have you ever tried just posting moar and moar of the same abysmal shit from different IP addresses and do it in every bread?
It might suddenly work magic and all the nice anons could see the light and become ignorant bigot shills.
Or, here's a good idea.
Get lots of good, solid patriotic cartoons.
Cut the signature off the bottom and pasta it onto shitty cartoons you scrawled yourself that say Jew a lot, and kike and shit.
You fucking hypocrite.
His free speech is as protected as any other.
You appear to misunderstand what free speech means.
Yeah, that's the garbage I was talking about.
You are a sad misguided little bitch aren't ya?
But it isn't true.
I prove it regularly.
They are welcome to post, I am just gonna be here shining a bright spotlight on how totally fucking lame they are.