The 3 lightbulbs are 36. There are 5 pips in each of the bulbs in the first bulb equation, and only 4 in the last.
The pips are 3 apiece, 3 bulbs x 4 pips each = 36.
And the second calculator is only 9, the first ones have the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, which adds to 10, but the
second has the numbers 1, 2, 2, 4, which adds to 9.
Therefore, 9 + 9 * 36 = 333.
There's only one interpretation, they are what are being counted.
Such stupidity. Each pip is worth 3. Fuck you can't even point it out without you morans fucking it up.
A bulb with 5 is worth 15, therefore a bulb with 4 is worth 12. The bulb is a distraction. The calculator
is a distraction, the clock is a distraction. The thing that changes is what is being counted.
Low IQ people think that, but they gave you all the information necessary. In each case, it's the thing that is changing this is being counted.
It's a trick because most people aren't capable of seeing it. You would have failed this on a logic test.