Anonymous ID: 5c5e59 July 27, 2020, 5:59 p.m. No.10096063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6069

==Anyone heard of, or dealt with, these new GMO mosquitoes being reported?


Here are the characteristics of the new GMO mosquitos, and there are MANY new characteristics that have not been seen before, the bio engineers obviously took DNA from many types of insects to get behavioral traits mosquitos have never had:


First of all, the non GMO mosquitoes, when they approached a screen, would buzz up against it, and land on the outside. That's where they would stay. The new mosquitos don't buzz up against the screen, instead, they land on it, squish their bodies down, and crawl through it. Screens don't work on them anymore, they just come right in.


Second new mosquito trait: They hide. The original mosquitoes God made would just land anywhere on the wall and you could pick them off easily. Or they'd start buzzing around you and never leave while you swatted them. The new mosquitoes back off as soon as you start swatting them, and they will not land on a wall after being pursued, NOT EVER, instead they land on something that is their own body color, or cose to it, or something that has a pattern that will obscure them, and if that's not available, they'll hide in a crack. They are extremely difficult to nail.


Third new mosquito trait: They crawl. In the past, (and I got good at this because I camped a lot) no mosquito would fly down a hole that was less than a couple inches across and a few inches deep. They'd stay outside instead. So while camping all you had to do to keep the mosquitoes off is get in a sleeping bag and close off all but a small breathe hole, make sure they had to fly a little to get to your face and that would be it, none would fly any distance down the hole to bite you. The new mosquitoes have to have received programming to make such a huge difference: Now, they will actually force their way under sheets and walk under them the exact same way fleas and ticks will, to keep mosquitoes out the sheets have to be totally tucked in, square cornered, and tight. Worse? Even if the sheets are that way, it won't work, the bed spread has to be that way also because if it is not they'll just crawl under the bed spread and bite through the sheets. It's freaking weird. How did mosquitoes suddenly start acting that way?


Fourth new mosquito trait: They will not bite above the waist unless you are totally asleep and motionless for a period of time, and you are covered from the waist down. The natural mosquitoes would bite you anywhere. Not the new ones. The new ones seem to have been programmed to know when and where it is dangerous to bite. If they bite anywhere your arms will reach you can swat them easily. Somehow they know that now, and will only bite waist down where you can't get them unless you move first to reach them. Even when they crawl under the sheets.


Fifth new mosquito trait: They fly UP your pants. That's something the old mosquitoes never did. The new ones fly up your pant legs and bite you under your pants the same way ants would bite, and they are impossible to kill when they do that, you literally can hit them as hard as you want and they'll still be there, biting. And once they are there, they'll crawl up past your knees and keep on biting, even with close fitting jeans. Very weird.


Sixth new mosquito trait: They are tough as hell. The natural mosquitoes would just squish with a small hit. The new ones have to be hit VERY hard, and even then sometimes they won't smash. If they have blood in them they still will smash, but if they do not have blood, or not enough, good luck!

Anonymous ID: 5c5e59 July 27, 2020, 6 p.m. No.10096069   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Seventh new mosquito trait, and this one is VERY ODD: They keep returning to the same spot to bite. The natural mosquitoes, if you did not get them, would bite you anywhere on return. The new ones always return to the same place, and keep biting in the same place. Why would this be programmed into them? Easy answer: Because if they are going to be used for "vaccination" they have to keep biting in one place to trip an immune response, - they have to get the concentration of whatever they have high enough to get the immune system to know it is there and then react against it. If they bite everywhere the way natural mosqutoes will, that won't happen. Once one of the new mosquitoes picks a spot, it will always return to it.


8th new mosquito trait that shows something has fundamentally changed: Natural mosquitoes would land and look for a capillary to bite into. They could sense where the blood was below the surface, and access it in one bite. The new mosquitoes poke holes everywhere and seldom hit a capillary. Vaccinations don't go into veins, they instead go in the way the new mosquitoes bite, which is at random. That would be too unproductive and dangerous to do for a natural mosquito. They have to hit it on the first try because they are risking their lives to bite. But if a mosquito is now able to hide where it can't be found, is tough to not die when hit, smart enough to bite below the waist and preferably below the knees, plus can walk UNDER blankets and fabrics, well, it's just not as important to hit blood on the first try. Which was probably intentionally done - they probably were stripped of their ability to do so to cause them to hunt for blood via a million pokes, and as a result, deliver a vaccine.

9th new mosquito trait: Random, dodgy flying. Mosquitoes used to fly straight to where they are going and land. Quite frequently the new mosquitoes continuoulsy dodge while flying, which makes them literally impossible to pick out of the air the way the old ones could be nailed despite the new ones flying at a lower speed overall. I have noticed that the new mosquitoes are also VERY quiet, I can never hear them unless they fly an inch away from my ears, and my ears are very sensitive, so sensitive that at times the ticking of a wrist watch is not only audible, if it is quiet enough in the room it can be annoying. I'm not talking the ticking of an old timex, I mean the new ones with digital guts, that are a lot quieter. I can hear mine from 15 feet away and I can't hear these damn mosquitoes. THAT had to have been programmed into them, I can hear the old ones from across the room easily.


What has Bill Gates said all along? That he wanted MOSQUITOES to deliver vaccines. Is that what we are dealing with now??? The new mosquitoes are behaving in ways that would do that perfectly.