Anonymous ID: 7c6fb7 July 27, 2020, 5:06 p.m. No.10095557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5715 >>5786 >>5855 >>6042 >>6169 >>6231 >>6311

Brookings Institution – The Progressive Jukebox Funded By U.S. Taxpayers

Jun 2, 2017,10:26am EDT


Washington, D.C. is known for its monuments, but it is also known for its “ivory tower” think tanks. These institutions can serve a valuable role in providing dispassionate and empirical analysis in divided times. One of the pre-eminent D.C. think tanks is the Brookings Institution, which has nearly half-a-billion dollars in assets and deep ties to political leaders on the left.


According to Brookings, its mission is to “conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level.” Brookings says it values the independence of its scholars and prides itself on “open-minded” inquiry.


Yet, public spending records captured by our organization at tell a somewhat different story. Rather than focusing on “open-minded” inquiry, Brookings seems swayed by “open-wallet” inquiry. In many cases, Brookings doesn’t resemble a think tank, but a jukebox – add a little coin and Brookings will play your tune, if the price is right.


And these aren’t just dollars provided by private donors – these are your tax dollars funding partisan advocacy projects and papers.


Since 2008, Brookings amassed nearly $20 million in contracts and grants from 50 agencies – including the Obama Administration’s Office of the President. Despite assets of $496 million (IRS990, FY2014), our audit shows it was not enough. Brookings instituted an aggressive strategy to pursue federal business over the past nine-years.

Anonymous ID: 7c6fb7 July 27, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.10095580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5715 >>5786 >>6042 >>6169 >>6231 >>6247 >>6311

reposting other anon article

Revealed: Primary Source for Steele’s ‘Pee Dossier’ Lived in U.S., Not Russia


The primary source for ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s “pee dossier” alleging Russian collusion was a U.S.-based researcher who previously worked at the Brookings Institution, not a well-connected Russia-based source as once believed.


The revelation was highlighted in a recent New York Times report that confirmed the name of the 42-year-old researcher as Igor Danchenko, who was born in Ukraine and is a “Russian-trained lawyer” who earned degrees at the University of Louisville and Georgetown University.


He spent five years, from 2005 to 2010, as a senior research analyst at the Brookings Institution, a center-left think tank in Washington, D.C., according to the Times.


Danchenko’s lawyer, Mark E. Schamel, told the Times it was a paid assignment to gather allegations about Trump’s ties to Russia and bring them to Steele’s research firm, Orbis Business Intelligence.


The Times noted that Danchenko’s involvement as the dossier’s “primary source” casts further doubt on the credibility of the dossier. Times reporters Adam Goldman and Charlie Savage wrote:


Mr. Danchenko’s identity is noteworthy because it further calls into question the credibility of the dossier. By turning to Mr. Danchenko as his primary source to gather possible dirt on Mr. Trump involving Russia, Mr. Steele was relying not on someone with a history of working with Russian intelligence operatives or bringing to light their covert activities but instead a researcher focused on analyzing business and political risks in Russia.


The dossier, commissioned by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign and outsourced to Fusion GPS, was defended by Democrats as credible since its author, Steele, was a former MI6 spy who had previously worked with the FBI and was believed to have connections in Russia.


Even Schamel appeared to distance Danchenko’s research and the final dossier, which claimed the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia and was used as evidence to obtain secret surveillance warrants to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


Schamel told the Times:


Mr. Danchenko is a highly respected senior research analyst; he is neither an author nor editor for any of the final reports produced by Orbis. Mr. Danchenko stands by his data analysis and research and will leave it to others to evaluate and interpret any broader story with regard to Orbis’s final report.


FBI documents recently declassified by Attorney General Bill Barr and released by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) showed discrepancies between what Danchenko said he gave to Steele and what Steele later wrote in the dossier.


According to the documents, in an interview Danchenko had with the FBI as early as January 2017, he told the FBI he disagreed with and was surprised by how the information he gave to Steele was conveyed in the dossier.


He told the FBI he did not recall or did not know where some of the information attributed to him or his sources came from. He also said he was never told about or never mentioned to Steele certain information attributed to him or his sources.


He also said Steele re-characterized some of the information to make it more substantiated and less attenuated than it really was, that he would have described his sources differently, and that Steele implied direct access to information where the access to information was indirect.

Anonymous ID: 7c6fb7 July 27, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.10095614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5651 >>5715 >>5786 >>6042 >>6169 >>6231 >>6311

Igor Danchenko is NO friend of Vladimir Putin!


Researchers at the Brookings Institution, an American think tank, found the burglary.


In 2006 (53 years old) Clifford G. Gaddy andIgor Danchenko of the Brookings Institution, an American think tank, announced that Putin's doctoral dissertation wasplagiarism. At that time Putin was the president of Russia.


In June 1997 (44 years old) Putin submitted a doctoral dissertation to the St. Petersburg State Mining University (English: GV Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute and Technical University , official language notation: Санкт-Петербургский государственный горный институ ) Received a PhD.


"Brookings Institution" by Clifford G. Gaddy andIgor Danchenkoon March 30, 2006: The Mystery of Vladimir Putin's Dissertation | Brookings Institution

Anonymous ID: 7c6fb7 July 27, 2020, 5:18 p.m. No.10095651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5672 >>5673 >>5715 >>5786 >>6042 >>6169 >>6231 >>6311



The Mystery of Vladimir Putin’s Dissertation


According to official sources, Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a degree of candidate of economic science (incorrectly described on the English-language version of his website as a “Ph.D in economics”), awarded by the St. Petersburg Mining Institute in 1996. Putin never actually attended the institute, however, and the topic of the dissertation he submitted and defended was one in which he had no previous background. With the aim of exploring the mystery,Brookings researchers Clifford Gaddy and Igor Danchenkoin 2005 obtained a copy of the previously inaccessible dissertation and examined its contents.


On March 30, 2006, the Brookings Center on the United States and Europe hosted an event in which Gaddy and Danchenko revealed the findings of their research. They clarified some of the unknowns about the document and discussed its relevance to Putin’s views on governance and the economy. They also presented evidence of extensive plagiarism in the dissertation.

Anonymous ID: 7c6fb7 July 27, 2020, 5:37 p.m. No.10095829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5858 >>6042 >>6169 >>6231 >>6311

Fiona Hill is also a Putin hater!

And likely a clown! Look at that bio!


Fiona Hill


Fiona Hill is a senior fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings. She recently served as deputy assistant to the president and senior director for European and Russian affairs on the National Security Council from 2017 to 2019. From 2006 to 2009, she served as national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia at The National Intelligence Council. She is co-author of “Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin” (Brookings Institution Press, 2015).


Prior to joining Brookings, Hill was director of strategic planning at The Eurasia Foundation in Washington, D.C. From 1991 to 1999, she held a number of positions directing technical assistance and research projects at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, including associate director of the Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project, director of the Project on Ethnic Conflict in the Former Soviet Union, and coordinator of the Trilateral Study on Japanese-Russian-U.S. Relations.


Hill has researched and published extensively on issues related to Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, regional conflicts, energy, and strategic issues. Her book with Brookings Senior Fellow Clifford Gaddy,“The Siberian Curse: How Communist Planners Left Russia Out in the Cold,” was published by Brookings Institution Press in December 2003, and her monograph, “Energy Empire: Oil, Gas and Russia’s Revival,” was published by the London Foreign Policy Centre in 2004. The first edition of “Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin” was published by Brookings Institution Press in December 2013, also with Clifford Gaddy.


Hill holds a master’s in Soviet studies and a doctorate in history from Harvard University where she was a Frank Knox Fellow. She also holds a master’s in Russian and modern history from St. Andrews University in Scotland, and has pursued studies at Moscow’s Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages. Hill is a member of theCouncil on Foreign Relations.


Clifford Gaddy also collaborated on the Igor Denchenko plagiarism hit piece! It's all the same people!

Anonymous ID: 7c6fb7 July 27, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.10095855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6081


We need a croupier to add up how many ways we paid for our own demise.

Paid Brookings, so paid Igor and Fiona.

Paid Brookings, so paid Steele.

FBI also paid Steele.

State also paid Steele.

C_A also paid Steele.

CF/DNC also paid Steele [donations]

Anonymous ID: 7c6fb7 July 27, 2020, 5:58 p.m. No.10096049   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Civilians would have to be re-classified as unlawful combatants, i.e. terrorists, for the military to be able to try them, I think.

Remembering the Lindsey/Kavanaugh back and forth.

Anonymous ID: 7c6fb7 July 27, 2020, 6:03 p.m. No.10096103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6169 >>6231 >>6311

'Destroying suburbs': Trump to reverse Obama-era housing rule


President Trump plans this week to reverse an Obama-era regulation designed to encourage more low-income units in the country’s mostly White suburbs, putting him squarely at odds with Democratic rival Joseph R. Biden over affordable housing.


The president is taking aim at the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, a 2015 regulation requiring communities that accept certain federal funding to identify and address housing policies that have a “discriminatory effect.”


Mr. Trump has been hammering the theme at White House events and in campaign conference calls with supporters. He told Arizona supporters in a telephone rally Saturday that the Obama regulation is “destroying suburbs.”


“People work so hard to live in a certain community. We shouldn’t be destroying that community,” the president said.


The 2015 rule required local governments that qualify for federal housing funds to follow a checklist of dozens of questions to track patterns of poverty and segregation. The Obama administration’s aim was to enforce the Fair Housing Act of 1968.


The Trump administration has been working to roll back the rule, effectively suspending its enforcement in 2018 and issuing a proposal in January to redefine some of its requirements. HUD Secretary Ben Carson said at the time that the regulations were “overly burdensome to both HUD and grantees and are ineffective in helping program participants meet their reporting obligations.”


They want us to live like ants/rats in crowded cities! Easier to control! Easier to attack!