Thanks Baker. This is the hill to fight Covid-19 on. We're over the target.
Don't let up on HCQ anons. Digg. Meme. Pray. Make them shit their pants again.
White House Petition to create an Executive Order for HCQ to be provided over the counter without prescription in the USA.
Please share with everyone you can.
It's not my creation.
I'd be damn proud if it was.
You're just jealous you didn't think of it.
>no, you blow
o7 Thanks for your service.
And just like that Dr Stella is a star. I love this Woman. Telling it like it is.
POTUS is fighting on the HCQ hill RIGHT NOW anons. Let's fight with him. Memes, Diggs, Prayers.
Illinois is hiding the HCQ cure for Covid-19 from it's citizens.
Anons making it happen. Thanks Baker. Looks great.
o7 for the effort anon