Anonymous ID: 51255a July 28, 2020, 2:16 a.m. No.10099592   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You've got until the end of the week to duplicate it.

I got too many other projects that are moar important at the moment.

First, learn how-to maths geometry.

Then, learn about surveying.

Next, fuse your new found skill set to plan out the basic design which you wish to replicate.

If you don't know how-to design, go back to the top and fit that in somewhere, somehow, along the way.

Next. get some rope, string-line, some steaks (preferably wooden, not meat. But if you are hungry, which I'm sure by now you've stirred up quite an appetite, so it might not be a bad idea to grab the meat steak, too, for sustenance.), a wooden board, probably gonna need a drill, hammer, etc.

You're gonna wanna cut the board down to size, drill some holes to fit a piece of rope through, to make your crop-stomper.

Then you'll wanna survey out the field, inserting steaks at the right points, which string-line can be tied to, which will be your guides for the pattern which you wish to create, etc.

It's a lot of work you just made for yourself. So, you better get to it!

But if you try doing it on my fields, again, you little bastards, I'm calling the cops on you punk kids

Stay off my lawn!

Anonymous ID: 51255a July 28, 2020, 2:27 a.m. No.10099616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>In addition, does anyone know if Fauci is a board certified physician?

>We do know that he got an MD degree from a small private medical school, spent 2 years interning at the hospital that school partnered with, and then went to work for the government. His entire career has been as a civil servant in the bureaucracy. He is not really a doctor. He is an administrator and paper pusher.

Ahhh, the good ol' NFL concussion "doctor" straw-man defense. Pay someone with a flashy degree to repeat whatever TF you tell 'em to, which in turn allows you to get away with whatever you want, because peasants don't have/can't afford doctorates to back-up their peasant opinions.

One of the classiest of moves in ritualistically getting away with ritualistic abuse

Anonymous ID: 51255a July 28, 2020, 3:21 a.m. No.10099804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9857 >>9920


>Are you winning?

Define "winning"


>Because our MSM is showing us only destruction in USA.

We get that a lot here, too.

With the exception of a few extreme hot spots, if you go outside, things appear quite "normal".

Which depending how one views the world we've been living in, might significantly impact one's interpretation of that "winning" question.


>It looks like you have civil war there.

It feels like we've had a civil war for the last 4 years. Naturally, conditions on television are amplified for maximum desired impact during the election year.

Granted things kinda popped off a bit after the whole George Flyod psyop, but his name barely even gets mentioned anymore, and it's becoming more and more about bull shit politicians who jump at the occasion to make more bull shit promises that they never intend on fulfilling.

I highly doubt Biden has any legitimate chance in hell to actually win our election.

They might try to cheat, as a last resort, but the majority of the democrats I've talked to do not endorse Biden, no matter how much they hate Trump.

Joe is less popular than Hillary, which says A LOT


But seriously, tho. I have not been "winning" at all, personally, my entire life. So, really the only reason why I bother to care is because "losing" is basically the complete destruction of what's left of our once great Nation. I've never experienced the "greatness", personally, but so I've been told. Also, I'm aware of the fact that there is much MUCH worse places I could be living. So, I guess I consider myself as "not losing", per say, but rather "meh". 'Cause I know I'm not "winning", yet…

Anonymous ID: 51255a July 28, 2020, 5:32 a.m. No.10100179   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>62 shot, 3 fatally, in Chicago’s weekend violence; youngest wounded is 13-year-old girl


>The weekend wasn’t as deadly as the previous weekend, when 71 were shot, 12 fatally

Statistics show gun violence is getting safer

And now, back to moar corona virus fear-porn…

Anonymous ID: 51255a July 28, 2020, 6:05 a.m. No.10100335   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>literally the spawn of Satan.

Do you even know what that means?

Do you understand the origins of the word ELite?

If you did, you might appreciate the irony in your statement


"Satan" = Saturn

So, the "literal" spawn of Satan would mean they were "literally" the offspring of what we now know is a planet. Not a "god". Which is how the ELites claimed their right to rule over the rest of mankind. By claiming they were the "literal" descendants of these planet "gods".


I could elaborate further, but I hope you get the gist of it. Stop believing in made up bull shit that gives them moar power over you